
Friday, May 31, 2024

Bye May/Hello June - countdown to 75

 I’m going to try to do a “prequel “ to turning 75 on September 1st. Changes in exercise and eating, exploring the area to find some favorites, cozying up our home.

I remember my Dad’s 75th surprise birthday party clearly and he was energetic, happily engaged in activities and relationships, exploring the area in which they lived, using his artistic talents, and generally loving life. Ten years later most of that had dropped away due to health issues but he still had a looking forward positively attitude. He is my role model except for the health issues lol.

I thought I was doing ok in May with exercise and eating but my weight did not drop. I did walk 39 miles outside, exercised more (including a lot of yard work), and did some research on how to improve my diet for this stage of life. This week’s grocery shopping got us back on track with a wider variety of protein, veggies and fruits. It is easy to fall in a rut.

I find the Minimalist Mom’s idea of hushing your house intriguing as I am both very visual and really want to keep things organized and clean. Hushing a room means removing anything not used, enjoyed often, etc. For me it also means congruent colors, a pleasing visual, easy cleaning, etc.

I started with the main bedroom and changed to chair to one a better color, put the dog crate more out of the way since he is rarely in it now, changed the dog’s blanket on the bed to one that is a better color, switched around a couple of pieces of art, and managed to move the hamper into the closet. I like the result although I would like different color sheets and bedspread but that is for later. 

So, here goes June - keeping it simple and focused

  • Push myself to exercise daily and track it
  • Have more protein in meals and fewer carb snacks
  • Cozy up and “hush” the living room, my part of the office and the bedroom closet (the office will be the big project and the living room more fun)
  • Explore the area once each week to find our favorites for walking, eating out, etc.

What are your goals and hopes for the month?


  1. Lovely plans for next month. I like the hushing idea.

    God bless.

  2. My husband cares only about usefulness, doesn't care a bit how jarring or ugly something is. But when I see something that sticks out like a sore thumb, it is like hearing a jarring clang. I may walk around mumbling, 'Hush, you!' going forward. :)


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...