
Thursday, February 8, 2024

Thriving Thursday Week 6

Happiness, Comfort & Health

I think this award is so charming! Our first grade granddaughter received the Mensch of the Week award at her after school program. We got a photo of her holding the certificate and absolutely beaming! She is sooo proud of being a “role model for the community”. What a great way to teach positive behavior, care and compassion.

I was able to help out with babysitting when the almost 1 year old couldn’t go to daycare due to a slight fever. High energy but still taking naps 😉 As is the case with kids, although both parents were working virtually they had critical meetings they had to be present and focused on. They had breaks though and that gave me help. Started at 8 but our son’s meeting ended a bit after 3. I do need to build up my arm strength and speed of getting up off the floor lol.

Minding our Money and the Environment 

Collected all the documents and information required to do our taxes.

Paid 3 annual insurance bills (home, earthquake and excess liability) and property tax bill.

Fixed the hem of a glove after pup got hold of it.

Making Home Upkeep Easier

Hubby found something to use to block where we think the rain runoff came into the garage. Now to rearrange things so nothing that might get wet will be ruined and then wait for the next heavy rain to see if it worked.

Emergency Prep

We signed up for the county warning system for our phones. It is limited to life threatening situations and location specific. Next up is getting our Go Bags stocked and ready. Wildfires are the big evacuation risk here and you really need to leave in time. Potential chemical spills at the port or rail lines are another much lower risk.


  1. If I get on the floor now, never mind getting up with speed, I have to have a plan to get up period.

    God bless.

  2. I absolutely love Mensch of the Week! :)


Dinners & the week ahead

I am determined that this week with lots of rainy days forecast that I will finally get through most of the paperwork that has been sitting ...