
Thursday, January 25, 2024

Thriving Thursday Week 4

Happiness, Comfort & Health

I attended this month’s AAUW meeting to hear a talk about development of more affordable and market rate housing plus a new library for the city. Making myself get out and about will eventually result in finding friends.

I’m determined to deal with several minor but nagging physical issues in 2024. Monday I went to a podiatrist for an ongoing nail problem. Feeling hopeful it will be solved after about 7 years!

Minding our Money and the Environment 

I got my sewing machine running again! Turned out it needed a thorough cleaning and oiling which I had neglected to do. I managed to break the latch holding a small door for the light bulb but blue painter’s tape seems to be working as a substitute. It works for occasional mending and that is good enough.

We finally received our house value adjustment for property tax purposes. California has this benefit for seniors based on the assessed value of their prior home. We don’t know yet how much it saves us a year but there will be significant savings over time plus a credit for however much we have already overpaid.

Making Home Upkeep Easier

Moved the cookbooks and charging station off the kitchen counter but there still is too much out for easy cleaning IMO. Still, we use all of it. 


  1. I need to push myself to go out more. I found out we have an art room at our Leisure Complex and every Tuesday people meet to paint, embroider, knit or what ever. I think I will try and go this coming Tuesday. It is out of my comfort zone to do so, but will give it a try.

    God bless.

  2. Thank you for the reminder to oil my machine!

  3. I moved my charging station off my kitchen counter a month or two ago and what an improvement that makes. I gathered up all seven of the devices in the house that needed charging and now all their cords are out of site, low wall shelf with a charging station built in.

  4. Even partially clearing a counter feels so good. I cleared almost everything off of mine, but it has slowly crept back and needs doing again.


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...