
Sunday, July 2, 2023

July low spend plan

Outside of home improvement commitments and a dinner with a visiting friend, I am aiming for a very low spend month. Excluding groceries, bills and gasoline, toiletries or over the counter meds we run out of, and dog necessities. Of course I am starting this after going out for coffee and biscotti this afternoon!

Our income was up a bit last month as interest rates have increased but we are facing a lot of home related expenses during the rest of this year. I have been very good about not buying an6 books and we have rarely gone out to eat and if we do it is for family time which is a big priority for us and the whole reason we moved.

We kicked off the month with some heavy yard work to uncover the bamboo in our yard so it can be removed properly and not just cut off and covered with weed barrier and mulch. I don’t think we found it all but we were pooped. We had to rake back the horrible mulch, cut and remove the weed barrier and now we are supposed to water the area so every bit will grow. Hubby also shoveled a lot of the mulch we raked so he could put it in the green waste bin for this week’s pickup. 

We keep telling each other that we are old and can’t delay fixing up the house and yard so we can enjoy our time here as long as it may be lol. At the same time we want to replenish our savings once these big expenses are done.


  1. Like you, I am hoping to make this month a low spend month too Juhli. I had many expenses during the first half of the year but, I would like to be better in the second half. My upcoming trip at the end of the month is all paid for. I am trying to use up the meat products in the freezer before I purchase anymore. I am sure, when it is time to buy some, I will have terrible sticker shock. Our inflation is rather ridiculuous.

    1. Your trip sounds wonderful. Inflation in Europe seems off the charts for the basics of food and fuel. I think we will see food price inflation here as farmers are having weather related problems.

  2. We have had one expensive or surprise after another. Hope this second half of the year is less expensive. I would like to save for a trip somewhere but we need to quit having all of these unexpected projects.
    Will look forward to following along with your projects. I think I missed something about the discovered it and uncovered it and are encouraging it to grow?

    1. The bamboo lol! We have to uncover all of it and water it so they know where to remove it. We pooped out after this much but I'm sure there is more in the adjoining areas. Our summer plans involve staying home and spending money on the house so no trips here either. Maybe next year for you and us?

  3. Man, that yard work sounds like some hard labor. I've heard bamboo is hard to get rid of but once you've made up your mind, all you can do is dig in (pun intended).


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