
Friday, July 14, 2023

Friday - conscious weekly spending

Spending decisions are complicated. My spending priorities are safety/health, comfort, value for money spent, maintaining what we own, environmental impact, and happiness/enjoyment. A lot of different priorities and the factors in any spending decision depends on what is being bought.

This week I have been extra careful to not throw away any food. I chopped and froze half an old onion and also bread crumbs that had reached their Best By date. I use both in turkey meatloaf so they will get used. Potatoes were starting to sprout so I made potato salad also using up a bit of red pepper. Added roasted eggplant to leftover pasta and mushroom sauce making dinner and a lunch for the 2 of us.

I took a down comforter to the cleaners as it was past due. Hubby worked some more on fixing a spot of dry rot in the garage.

I ordered some shoes to try on as I need to replace 2 or 3 pairs. Bought much needed bed pillows and pillow cases.

I went out to lunch with a woman I met through Buy Nothing in hopes of expanding my social life here.

We bought vertical blinds for the sliding balcony door and paid for gopher trap setup. Paid the electrician for completed work and materials.

We were happy that our first full 2 month water bill is relatively low.

Quite the variety of expenses plus all the usual food costs.

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