
Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Wednesday’s we got it done list

More progress!

Had hole in carpet caused by dog's chew bone snagging the loops repaired (chew bone is now banished!)

Removed tree too near to house and neighbors line of trees were cut back from our roof to meet insurer requirement

Block styrofoam from flat pack furniture purchase taken to HHW day at recycling center

Important address changes done

More moving supplies given away through Buy Nothing Group

All cardboard not wanted by Buy Nothing Group members was cut up and taken to recycling center

Rearranged garage so that we can finish unpacking and decide what to do with what is left

Made a big pot of green lentil and veggie soup and froze some for later

Checked out the fancier of the two nearby weekly farmer’s markets and got loose carrots, Brussel sprouts, empanadas, fancy Brie, and some really good looking tomatoes and enjoyed the live music for a while.

Compared grocery and household supplies prices across stores. It works out best to buy as much as possible at Trader Joe’s, fill in mostly household stuff at Target and get a few things at Grocery Outlet. Lowest price gas is near Trader Joe’s which is convenient.

Booked an electrician to come evaluate what needs doing - sub panels, outlets and who knows what the rest does!

Filled out the California Prop 19 property tax basis transfer form to reduce the taxable value of our new home a bit

Photographed and identified plants in yard that we are considering keeping. Part of prep for reworking front and back yards. Found a source of landscape designers focused on native plants/low water use landscape design. Did a lot of weeding which increased my resolve to re-landscape!

Did laundry and tried out an indoor drying rack I got from Buy Nothing. It really simplified the task to fit this house so I’m happy and I didn’t spend $ buying one.

Hubby pulled all the nails left in the walls by the seller, filled the holes and then painted in prep for hanging our artwork. He hung two large pieces in the living room so far. All our artwork is unpacked and laid out so we can “shop” for decorating each room. 


  1. You're making great progress and more importantly it sounds like you're enjoying the process.

  2. I'm so impressed with how quickly you get things done. PS - Your house looks so nice. Love those ceilings!

    1. Thanks! We are both retired so we can slog away at it all day if we want lol!

  3. Bravo!! You guys are a dynamic duo!! Love the clean, uncluttered areas in the pictures you've shared. My house feels so cluttered but I am working on that with my spring cleaning.

    I like weeding. Feels therapeutic somehow. But wouldn't want to do it all the time. We have rock landscaping in the front part of the house so I have weeds to pull that creep up through the rocks but not too many, thank goodness.

    1. The clutter will come! We are still unpacking and have a lot upstairs in our 3rd bedroom that became an office and drum room plus the family room!


What I’m Reading Wednesday

Another book for the challenge - Prompt 50: Set in the 1940’s.  One of those plots that shifts from present day to the 1940s and back repeat...