
Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Week 12: Mid-week check in

New House: 

Comcast delivered the equipment that hopefully Hubby can set up by himself. The utilities are all on and first bills paid. Our son keeps checking the mail for us which has been very helpful. 

Monday I used 4 hours of my life to go through the new house's home inspection & pest reports plus work documentation and darn if we didn't miss that they didn't take care of anything that was in the pest report.  A second opinion is in our near future. Some of the things noted will probably be fixed in the process of doing the earthquake retrofit to current standards so we also need to get the structural engineering firms out soon to give options and bids for the retrofit and drainage problem solutions. Sigh.

The good news is that I now have a clear picture of what was repaired/updated and what needs to be done plus service provider names/recommendations. 

Current House Sale: 

The buyer has asked for some things based on the inspection report and we are deciding how to respond.


We emptied two planters to take with us & packed all the art work plus more. Found someone who wants two chairs we aren't taking. Donated a few small items. 

Decluttering Progress

12 more items + large box of photos gone. Total YTD = 117 items + lots of photos & paperwork


  1. Things are moving very quickly. Is it possible to make them take care of the items in the pest report?

    God bless.

    1. Contractually it is ours to pay for. Thankfully the rain has stopped and that work was completed.


Dinners & the week ahead

I am determined that this week with lots of rainy days forecast that I will finally get through most of the paperwork that has been sitting ...