
Friday, May 27, 2022

2nd Half of May - May Gray, Wine & Cheese Tasting and Freebies

How summery are these?

We got in some fun with our big fundraising event to help send abused children to a special summer camp. Everything was donated and tickets were sold in advance. We raised $2,315 and had a great party. We are going to add a club donation to round up to $2500. 

The theme was an outdoor wine and cheese tasting at the club VPs lovely home in the hills here with many of us bringing finger foods. There was a silent auction plus some wine themed items for sale. A friend from the Ventura club is a professional magician and did a show for free.

I won a lovely “entertainer’s basket” in the silent auction with 2 bottles of wine, glasses, food and chocolate, cute untreatable small plates, etc. I also brought home one of the bunches of sunflowers used for decoration and two partial bottles of wine. 

When my son and DIL came over to go to the fundraiser they brought us lots of useful stuff. They are going to be doing a lot of traveling and renting their place out while gone are clearing out. We were happy recipients of turkey breasts and tilapia, espresso dark roast coffee beans, celery, hummus, various crackers and breads, various condiments, thumb drives, art and craft stuff for when our granddaughter visits, a quilt my Mom had made that I had never seen and more. We now officially have too many warm throws and I will have to make some donation decisions.

Today a neighbor came over with Omaha Steak meats that they weren't going to eat! 4 large pork chops, a box of beef burgers, Italian style meatballs and some garlic rolls. We are stocked up on meats between them and our son.

Then there are the office supplies from the clubhouse decluttering. So far I have brought home almost 2 reams of printer paper (since I do most of the club printing), post its, scotch tape, and envelopes. 

Fortunately for my “more out than in” decluttering plans almost all of the above was consumable items. I did buy a set of sheets as the ones bought 5 years ago are wearing out.

The 3rd week of May started off warm and dry which I took advantage of by drying some things outside and pretending it was summer, but then "May Gray" returned with cooler weather and overcast mornings. Warmer clothes back out! Sea breeze back on! Still lovely though with lots of blooming flowers and birds chirping in the morning. I am slowly increasing the length of my walks and glad it is so nice out.


  1. Your wine and cheese sounds lovely. Good on your club for raising so much money for a very worthy cause.

    God bless.

  2. Good for your club!! Helping children is always a worthy cause. Love your touches of yellow on the table. So cheerful!

  3. I love silent auctions. The basket you came home with sounds lovely as does the neighbor gifting you with meat!

    1. I got a small bidding war going on the basket I won so that was even more fun.

  4. How nice of the club! Wine and cheese and the neighbor's gifts sound really good. I love sunflowers and my apartment is decorated with them.


It must be Fall - Thriving week 43

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