
Thursday, January 13, 2022

Thankful Thursday week 2 of 2022

This past week I was thankful for -

- The fact that although the grocery story shopped at by Hubby had no chicken breasts they did have chicken thighs. I typically don't like them but I tried making chicken cacciatore with them and it was delicious. Thankful for food to buy and the ease of finding recipes to try.

- Our city sponsored an e-waste recycling event that was free although a $5 donation was requested (happy to do so) which enabled me to finally get rid of our old cell phones.

-  Jazz playing in the early morning courtesy of my Christmas gift of a wireless speaker and KJazz streaming live from Long Beach.

- Watching the second season of All Things Great and Beautiful for free on PBS streaming and having the time to binge watch.

- Our electrician being understanding when I cancelled our appointment for optional work because of the pandemic infection numbers. I know they are vaccinated but I really don't want to take a change when it is so out of control. Will reschedule when the infection rate drops.


  1. So sorry you had to postpone your electrical job. Glad your contractor was understanding.

    1. I am feeling relieved to not have workers here for a couple of hours right now. If something was broken I'd probably have gone ahead.

  2. I would do the same with the workmen. We actually substitute boneless thighs for breasts in almost everything.

    1. I know a lot of people use poultry dark meat. We just don't like it as much usually.

  3. I am not a big dark meat eater, but Harvey is so every once in awhile I give him a treat.

    I am glad the electricians were so understanding.

    God bless.

  4. Another fan of All Creatures Great & Small. It's such a pleasant and non-stressful binge. Very relaxing.

  5. I know I have either breasts or thighs in the freezer, but I'm not sure which. Either will be good in the curry I have planned for tommorow night. Quick, easy, and delicious using Trader Joe's Thai Curry Sauce (I like to mix the yellow and red). Thanks for the reminder to put the chicken in the refrigerator to thaw overnight!

  6. Juhli, I think I've heard that chicken thighs make a richer chicken stock too. I need to make a pot of chicken and noodles and think I'll try thighs. Trying to think of some comfort food to share with daughter and her family. She had her baby and with a 2-yr old to look after, also, I figure they'll eat almost anything I bring them! You were wise to reschedule the electrician. The numbers are scary again. Our SIL was with our daughter during her delivery and now has Covid. It is everywhere!

  7. I am a chicken breast gal. Strictly breasts. But PC likes legs. And I have often heard that thigh meat is delicious in recipes (I can eat it just prefer breast meat). Glad your cacciatore recipe was delicious. Our Walmart was pretty well stocked today when we ran in for a neti pot and sinus meds. But if things don't start looking up, I am afraid we are all going to find ourselves eating things that might not be our first choices.


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