
Friday, October 29, 2021

Facebook is good for something even if it is very sad news

 I just happened to scroll through my Facebook posts last night before dinner and saw a post looking for relatives of one of Hubby’s cousins. She lives on the East coast and had gone out of town for the weekend and been found dead in her hotel room. It is very sad as she had lost both her brother and mother but moved to live near dear friends and was happy in her new life.

A very close friend where she lived moved mountains to find what had happened to her when she didn’t show up for work but wasn’t allowed to identify the body or  anything else since she wasn’t a relative.

My husband was able to call the friend. A cousin on the other side of her family who we don’t know but who is her executor and an attorney was tracked down while vacationing overseas. Thank goodness for business contact info on the internet.  Hubby is alternate executor and was going to try to reach the police this morning but having an attorney do it is better. Hopefully we all will find out what happened to her and she will be able to be buried and mourned as she wanted.

So although I firmly believe that Zuckerberg is responsible for enabling lots of hate and conspiracy spreading via Facebook, in this case making contact with her family would have been a much slower process if at all.


  1. There are so many good things about Facebook and so many bad things. One just has to keep that in mind and be able to weed out or call out those bad things. I have often done so on family posts.

    So sorry for your family's loss.

    God bless.

  2. Good point. I really joined facebook so I could see my friends' pictures of their kids and grandkids. I'd like to delete my account but always afraid I'll miss something important about a friend - just like you might have.

    1. I was glad facebooks algorithms didn’t keep it from showing up as we see little of what is posted by friends as I understand it. We seem to have helped the process of addressing next steps for her at least. She was only 67 but no cause of death known so far. Quite sad.

  3. Sorry for the loss of your husband's cousin. It really was wonderful that Facebook helped put the pieces together. I hope the remaining details will fall into place without too much difficulty.

  4. Sad news! I visit Facebook only a few times a year and rarely feel like I have missed anything. But I was able to 'attend' a virtual out-of-state memorial service via Fb a couple of weeks ago, and was very glad for that.

    1. Yes, virtual services are a real blessing. Hers will be virtual so we can join in.


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