
Thursday, September 30, 2021

My October 2021 Goals

October in coastal S. California is still pretty warm but often with high winds and the risk of wildfires. It is a lovely time of year generally though and I intend to make the best of it.

I finished off September with some "YEAH for me" things - got down on the floor and did my daily stretch/Pilates routine for the first time in over 3 months (got myself up too lol) and took my data off my old phone and reset it to factory settings.

What am I most looking forward to in October? 

Definitely having more outings!

What do I think will be most challenging in October? 

Walking further each day and starting back with other exercises.



Do some of the outings I didn’t get to in September – Beach walk and lunch, Farmer’s market visit, Art Gallery visit

Enjoy October service club lunch meeting and book discussion group

Get some seasonal flowers for the house and/or enjoy more seasonal foods


Check off appointments – eye exam, plus dental checkup and scheduling of needed work

Extend distance able to walk as foot continues to heal

Continue effort to change habit of interrupting


Clean and declutter our 4 closet categories – clothes, coats, linens and miscellaneous storage

Get our ceiling light fixed and rheostats installed for kitchen and dining room lights


Devote significant time to my never ending (seemingly) tech clean up and back up project 


  1. I would like to get back to exercising too. Buddy and I have walked everyday but I need to really stretch and loosen up.

  2. That is a great list! I think I need to add decluttering my closet and moving spring/summer clothing out and fall/winter clothing in.

    God bless.

    1. Our seasons aren't that definitive but I still want the change!

  3. Have missed something as far as your tech clean up and back up project goes. What are you cleaning up? I should clean up photos. But ugh. Right? I don't feel like wading through all of that!!

    Yay for getting down on the floor to stretch and getting back up, too!! That getting up from the floor is tougher everyday for me. And when I drop something and have to retrieve it...woe is me!!

    Good for you to make your health a priority and to get those appointments scheduled. I am due for a mammogram. And have noticed that I am squinting a lot when trying to read...reaching for my readers or glasses. Might be time to suck it up and wear them all the time.

    1. I have double tech cleanup/backup as I have files for my service club too. Plus I just got an iPhone for the first time and don't really know much about how to use it.

  4. I love how consistent you are about setting goals. I need to purge my computer files, too, a winter project for me.

    1. I think staying on top of tech is a forever project - sigh.

  5. It seems that every month brings more medical appointments, doesn't it? I've got a dental checkup, plus my third Covid vaccination shot. Hope your foot is better.

    1. My foot is much better - thanks for asking. Still a ways to go before I can take a real walk but that will come.


March Reads - First half

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