
Thursday, April 1, 2021

Thankful Thursday #14 - Change is good

It was a week of small changes in routine and scheduling bigger ones for the future. 
Being able to shake up the routine of this past stay at home year makes me very thankful.

1. We hung 2 pictures - yeah! The little one I bought from a street artist in San Francisco over 45 years  ago now it can make me smile each time I grab the dog's stuff to go outside. The bird print I made in about 3rd grade that my Mom and Dad framed and presented it to me as a memento is over our family photo display area. Another smile inducer.

2. We went to Ventura to walk on the boardwalk beside the ocean and out on the pier. I am so thankful to feel safe taking an outing and to go there for the first time in about 9 months (pandemic and foot surgery being the causes).

3. While in Ventura we actually had lunch inside a restaurant on the pier. There was plenty of outdoor seating but it was windy and quite chilly. The inside was set up and managed so as to seem quite safe. Delicious fish tacos while looking through the window at the Pacific Ocean. Wonderful change.

4. I was able to chat in person with two friends without masks on. The benefit of us all being vaccinated and in an open space.

5. We had a call from our Berkeley based son saying the dates we wanted to visit later in April were great. Makes me happy to look forward to this.

6. Our attic has now had all old insulation removed, the space cleaned and sealed, and new to code insulation added. I am expecting to be more comfortable in this house and to see our electric bill lower. 


  1. Must have been great to get out to walk on the pier. And have lunch. Wow, almost normal!

  2. How wonderful to display art that is meaningful to you. I really like a home that is filled with memories. It sounds as though you've had a great week--happy for you!

  3. How wonderful to be able to walk to walk on the boardwalk beside the ocean and out on the pier at Ventura.

  4. How wonderful to be able to have some semblance of normal. Still a ways to go here, but it is coming.

    God bless.


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...