
Saturday, April 3, 2021

Catch up Month - planning

I was going to move on to emergency prep this month but have a long list of catching up to do plus making a good start on Spring cleaning the house and  going to visit our son and his family for a long weekend. I don’t usually Spring clean but I am planning to have bunion surgery on my other foot at the end of June or July and the house does need all those rarely cleaned places cleaned before  I am out of commission again.

So what needs catching up on? Given that we will be gone for almost a week I'm keeping the list short!


1. Finish updating home inventory (for insurance purposes if claim has to be filed).

2. Go through paper files and remove items no longer needed.


1. Finish going through computer files to delete and reorganize.


1. Get 4 art pieces matted and framed using frames we already have. Hang them!

2. Obtain lavender plant and put in patio pot.

1 comment:

Thank you YouTube - Thriving week 30

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