
Friday, January 15, 2021

5 days to inauguration & help me pick a Word for the Year

Can't wait for the Trump family to depart. A news story yesterday was about how Ivanka and Jared have not let the Secret Service officers guarding them use a bathroom in their many bathroom home so we taxpayers have been paying the $3,000/month rent on a nearby apartment so they have a bathroom to use! Won't be an expense in just 5 more days!

Then there is the news (or old story repeated) about the Trump's not paying their bills. Trump wants to stiff Giuliani for his legal bills since he did not keep impeachment from happening. The Trump inauguration committee is being investigated for paying a $50,000 hotel bill the Trump Organization contracted for.

Sigh. And the pandemic continues to accelerate with another new strain.


I’m reducing my stress by watching the Masterpiece Theater remake of All Creatures Great and Small. Just lovely.

But it is supposed to be 92 here today! Can we say - weird.

And then there is my desire to pick a word for the year. 

 I’ve been letting myself sit with some potential words and phrases to see what would stick and truly be useful. What I truly want for 2021 besides good health and a positive functioning science and value based Federal government (lol) is to use my time better by focusing it on the things that not only matter short term but that will make a difference longer term in the areas I value. I also want to try the tiny sequential changes approach to switching some habits to better ones.

I’ve not been able to come up with a word or short phrase that encompasses that. The best I can come up with so far is Reset. Others are shift, focus, step by step, essentials.  Help with suggestions!


  1. I like all your words but 'shift'. My favorite is 'reset' but the others are equally good.

    Ivanka is just as scummy as her father. She could have built a bathroom and office in their garage for Secret Service like the Obama's did when he left the White House.

    1. I saw a statement on one of the news sites after I wrote this to the effect that Ivanka has never had any trouble believing in her own self importance. No matter how they polish themselves they are just as scummy as their father as you said.

  2. Trumps are just rude, ignorant, people who think they are so impotant. They are not a bit important to me. The quicker they get out and quit screwing the US tax payers, the better off we all are.

  3. I am actually focusing on a few words this year. They are joy, hope, love and peace. All kind of go together.

    I read that about Ivanka and thought "you". Sounds like they figured they were too good for those that kept them safe.

    God bless.

    1. Ha! Perhaps she has the Donald’s no illness near him fetish or may we dare say it, some of the agents were the wrong color. I keep thinking of the stories in the book The Help.

  4. Went bicycling along the coast, starting and ending in inland Irvine. Almost melted on the return - it was 98 degrees when I got back to my car!

    Re: that family - So many stories, so many books waiting to be written. I can only imagine.

    When I pick a word for a New Year, I generally do a 'Ready, Set, Go!' With myself, and use the first word that pops into my mind. It tends to always be a top of mind word, interestingly. For myself, though, I'm thinking monthly goals starting in February. January has been a blur for many reasons!

    1. I’m doing monthly goals for sure. Thinking the word of the year is more of a motivational guide.

  5. Hmm, trying to think of another word similar to those you are considering. Thought of pivot. But not sure that works as well as some of the others you listed.

    1. Pivot - I hadn’t thought of that one. Thanks.

  6. I keep remembering what my husband said when Trump first came on the Republican scene. "Why would either party want someone like that?" Precisely! I believe we Americans need to make our public officials accountable from the top down. I actually hope we never forget the Trump Era--"Remember Trump" (sorta like the Alamo).


Dinners & the week ahead

I am determined that this week with lots of rainy days forecast that I will finally get through most of the paperwork that has been sitting ...