
Saturday, January 16, 2021

4 days to inauguration & vaccines for 65+

 Pence finally talked to Harris. Meadows had a stuffed pheasant in his office that his wife helpfully moved home for him. Biden tells Republican officials who won’t wear masks to “grow up”.

There must be more important news to report in depth like why the Trump admin said they would release the held back stockpile of vaccine when in fact there is no such thing. Now that the states have scurried to figure out how to quickly use those phantom doses and so many people got their hopes up.

 I do know two fellow senior citizens friends who were able to get theirs in GA and SC. Otherwise just a nurse friend and the nurse adult children of a couple of friends in different states who got them at work.

 I am not expecting to be able to get one until late March or later - probably much later. Staying pretty much locked down until then except for getting groceries and meds and seeing the son and DIL who are part of our bubble. If it gets any worse here we may start using delivery services as much as possible.


  1. I'm in Florida. A few of my friends have gotten their first injection.

    I'm 4,999 on the list.

  2. In my area of PA they're still saying 75+, and the 65 - 75 people are in the batch after that. Yeah, probably sometime in March.

  3. I don't foresee getting the vaccine until they are available locally at the pharmacy. They've been having some large vaccine clinics in the city that are booked up in minutes.

  4. It appears that the Othena website will be the designated sign up location for all of California, so do keep an eye on it for Ventura County. There is a three day or so window when the largest number of appointments will go live for seniors. That is the window we were able to get an appt for my husband within. Still no luck on behalf of his 70 year old sister, also an OC resident, but I am continuing to try.

    Saturday was quiet with regard to additional insurgent attempts, thankfully, so just three and 1/2 days to go, really just three days for those of us on the West Coast.

    1. Good to know but Ventura has indicated they are staying with the first health care provider and care home resident group for a while and rightfully so.

    2. Returning to correct my prior comment - I assumed that the website being used by my county was statewide per Gov. Newsom's recent announcement that 65+ are now eligible to be vaccinated, but have since learned that each county is setting their own sign up process. Apologies for any confusion I might have generated!

  5. We're trying not to be too anxious about getting our vaccines real soon, either. I know some people who are really trying to get appointments and some have stayed on "hold" for hours. I'm going to go to our county's web site every day to get info, but I'm not going to call around, trying to snag a stray shot. That would stress me out!

    1. That is the same thing I'm doing. There are people much more at risk than we are but I certainly want to get vaccinated.

    2. No problem. I just got an email saying that Ventura county would move on to 75+ in approx 3 to 4 weeks. Then 65+ with underlying conditions and after that any over 65. They are using both phone and internet sign up modes.


Dinners & the week ahead

I am determined that this week with lots of rainy days forecast that I will finally get through most of the paperwork that has been sitting ...