
Thursday, November 19, 2020

Thankful Thursday #9 - Nov 19th

When seeing posts from online friends living in New Zealand and the Melbourne, Australia area going about pre-Covid lives I have been having a big bout of envy. They have done things right and don't have the US horrible situation of infections, full hospitals, stressed to the breaking point health care workers, and endless deaths. 

Out of my control though so I am once again focusing on what I was thankful for this past week.

1. I am endlessly thankful for a husband who is an equal partner in the kitchen. He asked me what I wanted to do for dinner Friday and my response was “absolutely nothing”. He came up with a plan and I only had to get rice ready to cook.

2. Lola the dog (as my granddaughter used to call her) actually slept past 5 am on 4 days this past week. I’ll be even more thankful if she increases that total!

3. The large-ish folding table that was in the garage fits nicely under a bed and the step stool fits in the coat closet. Two fewer things to trip over! 

4. This past Saturday while the dishwasher and washing machine were both running I thought how thankful I am that we have machines to do those jobs.

5. We realized it was rather silly to keep paying for collision insurance with a $1,000 deductible for a 10 year old car no matter how low the mileage. Thankful the agent is responsive and our refund is on the way.

6. I'm also thankful I learned how to bake at a young age - thank you Mom and 4-H! Have you ever made chocolate depression cake? Very simple and less rich than most cakes or cookies and made 9 pieces that we had no trouble eating lol. I think I've had that baking dish since my first college apartment.


  1. You always have such thoughtful Thankful Thursday posts, not always easy given the times we're living through.

    1. Thank you. Finding at least 6 each week is helping me have better days.

  2. While Canadian Covid deaths are not as high as where you are, they are still too high for my liking. I pray every night that both our countries and the rest of the world manages to get through this.

    God bless.

  3. I always look forward to your "thankful" posts! In spite of what is going on in our country (and world), we still have so much that is good. I'm wondering if your Depression Cake is like Wacky Cake. Somewhere, I saw a spice version of that type of cake. I fondly remember 4H chocolate crinkle cookies, too....Thanks for jogging my memory!

    1. Yes I think it is also called wacky cake. Off to look for spice version and crinkle cookies.

    2. I read the recipe for the spice cake on a blog called Carmella Rayone. It was in her November newsletter. I think I might try it this weekend!

  4. Depression cake. I would like to try making that.
    Aren't we fortunate to have machines for some many of the tasks and chores in our lives? When we lived in Panama, my husband's family washed clothes in a creek that ran behind the house. And then hung the clothes to dry (which I do on a drying rack) but because of their humidity, the clothes would often 'sour' before they dried. I am grateful to be in El Paso where they dry in about 30 minutes.
    My PC is very good in lots of areas around the house but uses the kitchen only to get from the den to the rest of the house. Like a big hall!!

    1. Living in Panama must have been fascinating.

  5. Perpetually thankful for clothes- and dishwashers!


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