
Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thankful Thursday #10 - Thanksgiving Day edition

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the US. I’m very curious how you ended up celebrating and what you ate.

Our first thanksgiving after moving to Atlanta many years ago and thus just being a family of 3 for the day, we decided that recreating the traditional family day would be depressing. So we changed it up with a hike, leaf raking to music and non-traditional meals We had a lovely day instead of a sad one. That was a good start to the idea of creating new traditions as needed.

1. Thankful for my loved ones so happy birthday love to our granddaughter (4!), Hubby, and my lovely cousin Mary. Happy anniversary to my big brother and lovely SIL.

2. The dog continues to feature in my thankful list but this time because of what my husband did. As he was taking her out for the last time before bed he had a sweet little “talk” with her about sleeping until 6 am. Made me smile and she loves to be talked to in a happy tone.

3. Hubby took to heart my comment that our grocery purchases were lacking variety. He came home with artichokes and frozen scallops both of which we haven’t cooked in years. Steamed the artichokes, ate two and have two in frig for later. The scallops are forming the basis for our Thanksgiving meal. He does the Trader Joe’s run and I do Vons so we each limit our potential exposure.

4. He also figured out how to take the cover off the bath exhaust fan (the installers had caulked it to the ceiling - duh on their part) then cleaned it really well, fixed the ceiling and touched up the paint. Thankful to have such a handy man.

5. I was able to drop off old prescription medications in the local police department lobby to be disposed of safely. All I had to do was put them in a ziplock bag and drive over there.

6. We got the alternator replaced in our car and they stood by the quote made months ago when they said it didn't need replacing yet. Thankful it is fixed before we get stuck on the road! Bonus is that the car now runs very quietly.

7. Definitely something I am thankful for is all of the judges who are throwing out the Trump campaign and related cases filed by sycophants with scathing lectures on how unconstitutional they are. I am appalled at these attempts to reverse the actual vote to appease one sick little man.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, and as always I'm inspired by your Thankful Thursdays list.

  2. SO agreed on #7! And I applaud your non-traditional holiday activities and menus. My husband has worked at least half of all holidays and birthdays since we have been married (43 years!), so our family is all pretty flexible with whenever we can be together and whatever we feel like eating. :)

    1. I’m with you that flexibility is key for enjoying celebrations and holidays.

  3. A belated Happy Thanksgiving to you! Certainly a different type of holiday, but hubby and I enjoyed it. We spoke to our loved ones, but celebrated by ourselves. We made a traditional dinner, but substituted chicken for the turkey. Not my favorite Thanksgiving, but we are still healthy and able to communicate and see our loved ones. We are thankful for that!

  4. Happy belated Thanksgiving.

    God bless.


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