
Saturday, September 5, 2020

Heat wave

 Gosh it is hot here in S Cal with three days of extreme heat warnings and possible power outages. Tomorrow it is supposed to be 100 here in my coastal plane town and many degrees hotter inland. Once again I give great thanks to the inventor of air conditioning.

I’ve been thinking about what new experiences I can credit to the pandemic and came up with a short list. Zoom of course. Little or no wait for doctors appointments. Getting a professional haircut in my garage. Fancy take out including a cocktail in a plastic bottle. Lots of shortages in the grocery and drugstore for months. Wearing a mask and having a collection of them. Quickly using a state rest stop while wearing a mask and gloves and supplying my own toilet paper. Tracking infection and death rate public health scorecards. Having surgery with no loved one being able to wait with me before and after. Handing off my dog in the parking lot for vet visits. There are probably a few more but that captures the last six months on the new experiences side. We all know the losses side of the equation.

Trying to feel like my days aren’t just oozing away from me has led me to creating a must do and want to do plan for the day. It really helped today in that I feel like I used my day pretty well. Going to keep trying that short term focus approach.


  1. Hasn't this pandemic made all of us become more creative in the way we do things? Our kitties will be do vaccinations this fall. Hadn't thought about how that would look. Wonder if we will pass them off in the parking lot to the vet tech. I was surprised how the military commissary still had bare shelves this last week. Concerned what the fall is going to bring.

    1. For us with a do fit is call to tell the vet office where you are parked then when the tech comes out get out of car with a mask on and hand the dog on leash over. At my son’s they hook there dog to a line and get back in the car. With cats I assume it would be to set them down in a carrier?

      I haven’t been to a store in almost 2 months so haven’t seen what is happening here but am also concerned about the rest of this year and winter. Although Hubby has been able to get almost everything on our list so far I am starting to make a gap and stocking up list for when I can shop again in a couple of weeks.

  2. My list of new experiences is almost ditto of yours. Your last paragraph, however, is something I need to work on. I make the lists but don't always achieve that feeling of accomplishing anything.

    1. I’m only one day in on a day specific list vs a longer term to do list but it did help the day feel more meaningful. Going to keep trying.

  3. My sister in Phoenix got Covid this summer. She had a tough go of it, but you know how I knew she was better? She stopped complaining about her symptoms and started complaining about the heat!

    1. So glad she is recovering and how scary. I’m complaining about being bored so I know I’m doing much better lol.

  4. I am thankful pretty much daily that we moved to the coadt, but never more so than now. We have been literally doing our walks barefoot in the waves, and even at 100 degrees just a few yards inland, it is a slice of heaven.

    Like you, making a daily list has been key in preventing all of 2020 from feeling like a never ending repeat. I guess that will make it all the sweeter when we can return to a semblance of normal, right? And you couldn't have picked a better time/year in which to schedule bunion surgery and recovery, because it's not like life is zooming by. 😆

  5. The challenge is that the days of our lives are going by Whether we find a way to use them or not.


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