
Sunday, August 23, 2020

Slogging along

 I’m almost halfway through recovery from my bunion surgery and although it is going well it sure has that slogging through feeling right now. Then of course there is the slogging through the pandemic restrictions and losses. At least I will be really delighted to be able to drive myself to Starbucks to get an iced latte which was the extent of my fun outings before the surgery.

Yes, I know we are really, really fortunate compared to so many but downward comparisons, although rationale, don’t help emotional states change. Did your parent’s try to get you to eat things you didn’t like by saying but think of all the starving children in ...? Didn’t change how you felt.

I suppose I shouldn’t be grousing about not being able to walk very far either since even here far from the inferno in N Cal we have an air quality alert due to smoke. I am concerned about our Berkeley family as the whole area is on high alert and firefighters stretched to the breaking point already. 

I am starting to be able to do more of the daily chores and wish it was more as Hubby is looking pretty worn out but not complaining as I probably would be.

Ok, enough about my grumpy mood.

I am looking for good book recommendations so please share! Also ideas for how to entertain myself as I can really use some new ones.


  1. I'm just starting Jill Biden's book. Haven't read enough to recommend it yet but my niece highly recommends it, especially for anyone who has an interest in teachers and teaching.

  2. The smoke from California is actually hitting here in Saskatchewan.

    God bless.

    1. I read this morning that there are about 560 fires being fought in California right now plus there are quite a few in other Western states. Not surprised that you are getting smoke too.

  3. I am not sure what sort of books you like to read but I have been reading author David Baldacci who writes thrillers and his style makes it hard to put down.

  4. I read over a dozen books a month, and I've kept an Excel list since 1998 of books read. I'd be happy to make some recommendations--just tell me what you like. I'm also a retired librarian.

  5. Being off your feet from the surgery and locked in the house from the virus is like killing two birds with one stone. But you're right. The vegetables don't taste any better.


Five plus on Friday - My week in review

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