
Monday, July 27, 2020

Day 4 after bunion surgery

I am thrilled that I have gone 9 1/2 hours without taking the strong painkiller! Just took one though as not ready to switch to just Tylenol yet. I am finding that icing and ibuprofen make a huge difference.

I’m able to eat normal meals too. We did have to get in touch with the dr the first evening to get a prescription for an anti nausea patch so I could keep food down. I will make that part of any painkiller prescription in the future.

I was also delighted to be able to wash my hair in the kitchen sink. The knee scooter makes mobility very easy although my backing up skills are in need of further development!

So in general this hasn’t been terrible so far. The day of surgery and the next day were pretty tough but yesterday and this morning much better. See the dr Wednesday morning and get the dressing changed I imagine.

Hope all is well with you.


  1. I got to be an Olympic-level knee scooterer - so much easier to get around. Glad to hear you're easing off the painkillers.

  2. Ice really is the big secret to easing after surgery pain. Glad you are doing well.

  3. I am glad that things seem to be going well for you.

    God bless.

  4. I have always heard the 3rd day is the worst. So you have that under your belt and are on the way to recovery. Glad you have the scooter to simplify things. Yay for clean hair.

  5. So glad you're getting thru this ok. Surgery is tough for sure.

  6. Good for you! Keep on hanging in there. You'll master that scooter before you know it!

  7. So glad to hear the good report! Here's to a speedy recovery. :)


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