
Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happy Father's Day Dad

My Dad doesn't know it as he died some time ago but I strive to adopt his approach to life.
Dad's 70th birthday - the same age I am now!
After unexpectedly surviving his tour of duty on bombers in the European theatre during WWII, he was so happy to be alive. He greeted each day with happiness no matter what challenges he was facing. As someone said to me at his memorial service - he was a gentle man. And quiet, very quiet.

I'm not like him in many ways. I'm full of opinions that I don't hesitate to express. I can be too bold for people. But I am grateful to wake up each day and look forward to what the day will bring.

Today we celebrated my Hubby, the father of my younger son and a great Dad to my older one. We drove to Pasadena to have lunch with that older one and our DIL which was lovely, Then there was a FaceTime call from the younger, our other DIL and granddaughter who announced that they were having a bagel party!

Later we took a walk but our dog got hot and was dragging so we sat in the shade for a while and visited. They sent us home with leftovers and a jar of homemade plum chutney using plums for their urban foraging ventures - they are always kind and generous like that.

A great day and Dad - I miss having you present in my life. You would have loved knowing your youngest great-granddaughter. She is such a dynamic and happy life force.


  1. Wonderful tribute to your dad. His spirit lives on in all of you.

  2. Juhli, you certainly have honored your father with your thoughts and actions. I especially appreciate his decision to wake up grateful, looking forward to each day. You were blessed to have such a good example to follow. Glad you had a family-filled weekend!

  3. I think that you probably take after your Dad more than you realize.

    God bless.


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...