
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Week 10: All psyched up but surgery postponed

I made the mistake of not bringing 20 years of medical records with me lol. I can't prove that a pre-existing condition is in fact long term pre-existing without them so have to see a specialist to get clearance to have surgery.

At least I am prepared when it does happen.


  1. Replies
    1. Sort of. It will still happen this month probably.

  2. Disappointing to be all mentally ready and then have to return at another date. One might think the computers would have those records.

    1. Computers do have those records but different state, different health systems. I did ask if they wanted me to request the relevant ones but they said no, they want a current assessment. It takes about 2 weeks to get old medical records from Emory Health System.

  3. If it's not one thing it's another. Goodness! Though you did mention in a previous post seemed things were not just right.

    1. I am glad they are being careful and this is definitely something that can happen later so all is good.

  4. When the time is right, you'll have the surgery. They're definitely being thorough and hopefully that means they will give you excellent care.

  5. Well, maybe it's for the best right now with everything going on. Hopefully it can get rescheduled soon.

    1. I agree. Feeling less stressed by it and glad pre-op will be careful.


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