
Sunday, April 26, 2020

Shutdown Day 42: Help me brainstorm 30 day projects

Anyone else ready to have a project they can do as we continue to socially distance?

I know some of you are working, some have big yards or gardens, some are providing child or elder care and so on.

I suspect many of us though who are retired or otherwise not busy can use a project! I don't have any home improvement projects, basically no gardening area and our home is pretty organized and clean lol.

I do have to start preparing to take on the leadership of my club in this difficult time but that will be a team effort. I'll ask for ideas about that once we start identifying our challenges more clearly.

Help me brainstorm some 30 day efforts for May.

Some of my ideas so far:

  • Do my stretching program every morning - no excuses
  • Identify what needs to be added to have a 2 week emergency pantry for 2 adults & 1 dog that covers earthquake situations with no utilities and situations like this where utilities are on
  • Art journal/sketch each day
  • Daily calls or written communication with loved ones and friends
  • Buy a textile or other craft kit and work on it each day
That is all I have so far! And yes I do know there are 31 days in May.

What are you thinking of doing as a project in May or currently have underway that others may want to try as well?


  1. I'm having no problem identifying what needs to be done or what I want to do. I'm having trouble pushing past the stress of the pandemic to actually do them.

    1. I so understand - feeling lethargic and trying to find a way past it.

  2. Perhaps going through your closet and drawers removing what no longer fits or is no longer pleasing. Mending those items that need to be mended.

    1. Great idea but I do pretty much stay on top of that.

  3. You might have already done this, but getting memory books/photographs organized for the next generation is a fun project.

    1. I haven't done that. I'll add it to the list.

  4. How about learning to cook a new type of ethnic cuisine, study a foreign language, play an instrument, a 30 day physical challenge (walking/planking/strength training)?

    Over here, we are thinking of signing up for online piano lessons. I'm excited about it, and excitement is in rare supply these days!

    1. You always have a lot going on. Glad you are finding something new!

  5. I've been cleaning up my photo archives. Deleting photos I can't give meaningful titles/tags to.
    Took out my knitting needles to use up wool. Doing a baby blanket, no babies in mind, just something to do.
    Found jigsaw and crosswords online to test my brain.
    Taking some online art appreciation courses.
    Luckily I love to cook so trying new recipes.
    Thinking about buying a paint by numbers kit.
    Will get our balcony cleaned up when it gets warmer. Would love to buy some plants for it, not sure if I will be able to.
    Signed up for word of the day.

    1. I thought about the paint by number idea too! What are you looking at as possibilities?

  6. This might be time for you to try out The ABC Life. My sister and I have a blog (, where we try out new things one letter at a time. Although we have temporarily suspended the blog, there are several things that you can do during these stay-at-home times. Let's assume you were to start with "A," here are some of the categories you could include:
    Discover a new author with the letter A.
    Try a new recipe or food with the letter A.
    Watch a movie dealing with a theme: Addiction, adultery, animal abuse, adoption, etc.
    New restaurant (take-out for now) with the letter A.
    I'm sure you get the idea...but this has been such a fun project for us. It really has enriched out lives.

  7. While dont do it I understand coloring is very relaxing and therapeutic. My non crafting projects tight now are working they the memorabilia and writing family history for the kids and taking an online great courses class on the aging brain.

    1. I have been doing some art deco coloring pages using colored pencils that I have. It does turn the thinking brain parts off for a while.


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