
Thursday, April 9, 2020

Covid-19 Shutdown Diary Day 24: Unable to sleep

Sleep experts/researchers I have read recommend that if you can't fall back to sleep within about 20 minutes you should get up until you are tired enough to go back to sleep. So from 1:30 am to about 4:00 am I did just that. I suspect lots of people are finding it hard to turn off their thoughts in the middle of the night right now. My dog buddy feels obliged to get up too but then goes right back to sleep near me. No troubling thoughts there.

Connecting while Distancing - Hubby talked to his 90+ year old aunt who lives alone.

Carrying On - Having a be gentle day to switch to enjoyable thoughts.

- Screened 10 more CDs from our son and kept only two.

- A Facebook group I belong to is having a "dress like a bird" shutdown challenge. I joined in with matching the California Quail although I don't think they live in this part of the state. Love seeing quail with their babies or in a group in a field.
Anyone want to suggest birds for my next inspiration?

- We picked out the nice restaurant to order take out from for our anniversary dinner on Saturday. We picked one we really hope survives.

- Printed out a year's worth of agendas, minutes, financials, etc. for my club on the reasonable assumption that I will be elected President to start in June. Not sure how we will proceed since we can't meet but we will make it through this.

- I finished reading A Journal of the Plague Year written in 1772 about the 1665 London plague by Daniel DeFoe. DeFoe was only 5 years old at the time of the plague. People haven't changed over the centuries in terms of the range of responses to pandemics as his book is a fictional account mostly focused on behavior not medical/illness issues. I liked the book which surprised me.

Thankful for - 


  1. Welcome to my world of sleepless nights. It's really frustrating, isn't it, when you want to sleep and can't.

    You nailed it with your dress like a bird challenge.

    1. I try to be relaxed about not sleeping since I have no work or children to deal with the next day. It is very frustrating though! Sorry you are dealing with it.

  2. Juhli, I beg to differ re: quails living in your part of the state. They most definitely do, and they are as cute as cute can be when they go traipsing across the road with their babies in tow. They make a charming noise I can spot anywhere. Here in OC, they live in the canyon on our north side, and I have been hoping since moving here that they'd move into our immediate canyon as well. So I love your choice of bird + coordinating clothing!

    1. Maybe its because we live on the coastal plane and not near a canyon that I've not seen them. Would love to spot them though.

  3. I have a hard time getting to sleep. I'm tired when I go to bed, but then my mind turns on - I toss and turn. Last night I heard the clock chime - it was 11 pm, so it was at least an hour before I finally slept. Even then, I woke up several times. I dare NOT take a nap during the day.

    So annoying. Stay safe

    1. Sounds familiar! I haven't experienced this level of inability to shut my mind off since I was working in an intense job. I do take naps though if tired enough.

  4. What great fun to dress like a bird. And you selected such a charming species and replicated it so beautifully. I enjoy seeing quail, too. Surprisingly, we have them here. But ours are more a desert brown color.
    I think you should do flamingo or peacock or robin for your next dress like a bird day. You look very pretty in your coral-pink top. You could use it for flamingo, maybe?
    Fortunately, we have been sleeping fairly well. I had been relying on Zzz Quil to get me to sleep but the last few nights, I have forgotten to take it and slept quite well anyway. I think you are correct, lying in bed tossing and turning is not the answer. Getting up and doing something, if only making a list of the thoughts keeping you awake, is a better option. Returning to bed when your mind can quiet down again.

    1. Thanks for the bird inspiration suggestions. Stay well!

  5. Baby quails are cuter than cute! I have always had sleep issues so I just deal with them the best I can!

  6. Aww, quails are so very sweet. How about a bluebird for your next dress up time?

    I go through periods of insomnia and really I am quite thankful that the last one was over a week ago and it only lasted a couple of nights.

    God bless.

  7. Happy Anniversary! We are trying to support our favorite restaurants through this too. One is relatively new, so I fear for it.

    A Journal of the Plague Year sounds interesting. I've been thinking of rereading A Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks to see if the current events alters my take.


Dinners & the week ahead

I am determined that this week with lots of rainy days forecast that I will finally get through most of the paperwork that has been sitting ...