
Friday, April 3, 2020

Covid-19 Shutdown Diary Day 19:

For the first time today I encountered a walker/runner in our community who was ignoring the 6 feet social distancing. He came from behind us and if the dog hadn't barked he would have actually brushed me when passing. Idiot!

Well now that I have that out of my system ...

Connecting while Distancing - My book discussion group met via Zoom and although only 4 of us showed up it was lovely to talk books and get some recommendations of what to read and where to get more free or low cost books during this time.

Carrying On - I gave myself the day off LOL. We are even having leftovers with supplemental veggies for dinner.

Thankful for - My husband being easy to be sharing a home with during lockdown.


  1. Juhli, thank you for your daily posts. I have so much to say, but my mind flits from item to item without anything interesting, or profound lighting for long, so I haven't been writing anything. But I am reading. I did think of you this week when my company put out some information that I thought you might find interesting. But I don't seem to have your email address. If you are interested, you can write me at kmstand at gvtc dot com, and I will attach it to my reply. Don't mean to be cryptic. :) Stay safe. Be well. Keep writing.

    1. Thanks for the offer. I sent you an email.

  2. I smiled when I read that you took a day off. My husband and I needed time to just relax, too. When we discussed how this new way of life has impacted our lives, we admitted that there have been moments of deep concern. We want to stay informed, so we watch the news, but it is alarming to see the numbers of infected and fatalities rising. We're still trying to figure out how to balance our days. Best wishes to you and your family, Juhli!

    1. This is uncharted territory for everyone in the world! It is helping me a bit to think of it as somewhat like the stages of grief compounded with cabin fever and loneliness.

  3. Re: the runner ignoring social distancing- I had a similar experience recently, Juhli. We were hiking along a narrow path, on a trail near our home, and a runner came up from behind prepared to pass at very close range. I turned quickly, held up my hand and barked, 'You need to stop!' We moved off the trail into weeds while she actually, impatiently, said 'I'm waiting!' To which I replied firmly, 'And you will need to continue to wait!' We eventually got to the 6 foot point, and she passed, covered in sweat. The definition of a Covidiot!

    In general people have been very conscientious about maintaining 6+ feet of distance, but I am now becoming comfortable ascertaining that they please do so if they are near me, and for some reason are not. If we are in this for the long haul, than social distancing must become our new norm, whether someone likes it or not.

    I know I'm preaching to the choir here, still, it felt good! 😆

    1. Good response! I was trying to control a barking dog so only thought of what I should have said afterwards. Next time I'll be better prepared.

    2. I have actually started exercising at home and getting fresh air by working in the yard. I live in a neighborhood with kids who don't pay attention and have had teens on bikes come right up next to me never mind the runners. Parents seem to think kids and teens don't count around here. and one person got mad at someone else crossing the street. I tell ya.....

    3. Barb, at this point there is NO EXCUSE for anyone in California where I live to be oblivious. As such, I have absolutely no problem asserting that they need to observe social distancing should they not be. Fortunately they are the exception.

    4. That may have sounded like I'm going around telling everyone I see to socially distance, which I am not. I'm only quick to speak up if they are my 6 feet of space. I try to be very polite, unless they keep coming at me. Then my fight-or-flight kicks in, and I become very firm, very fast.

  4. I have taken every day off since the stay-at-home order and I need to get back to doing life in a healthier way.

    Runners seem to think they own the trails, don't they. Most people here are doing their best with the 6 foot rule but sometimes it's impossible to do at the grocery store.

    1. Most people here are too and I have to keep in mind that I live in a quite large 55+ community and there are plenty of folks with cognitive issues not to mention the everyday everywhere kind of issues.

  5. I think Most of us take lots of days off. I have days when I think..Today I'll clean out the sewing room. and then the next day I sit and knit all day and throw a casserole in the oven if I am lucky. Today will be one of the latter.

    1. Letting expectations go is one of the lessons of this experience I think.

  6. Everyone in my area of Pennsylvania is being very conscientious about social distancing. Just today I saw the first people out in public with masks on.

    1. Glad you are surrounded by responsible people. There was only this one exception that I have encountered here. No one wants to get this!

  7. People in my village are fanatical about the social distancing and a good thing too! The death rate continues to rise here in the UK and I find the news overwhelming so only watch once a day for the sake of my mental health. My daughters are all doctors and my son in law too. He has been self isolating but was swabbed on Friday so he will go back to work if all clear. He is an eye surgeon but I think is being redeployed in the hospital. My daughter is a paediatrician so will be continuing with that. The other girls are general practitioners who will be working in “hot clinics” in the community seeing patients with symptoms which could be Covid 19. I hope people obey the stay at home message so that fewer people get the virus. The NHS is under great pressure.

    1. I am so thankful to all the doctors, nurses and other people who are showing up each day and helping others through this. Hopefully the curve will bend soon.


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