
Thursday, April 2, 2020

Covid-19 Shutdown Diary Day 17: First Zoom board meeting = a chance to see friends

I have decided there is no reason to push myself to be productive each day so am going more with my mood and provide more self-care. I think we may be underestimating just how emotionally wearing this is on us even if it is not consciously bothering us at a given time. On the other hand, I need some structure and a sense that I used the day well. A conundrum.

Connecting while Distancing -

My women's club board entered the world of online meetings this morning and we got the business done that we needed to. All 70+ years old and rather proud of ourselves lol. It was nice to see my friends.

Carrying On - 

Hubby did the Trader Joe's shopping trip and came home with all the stuff on our list to fill in the gaps. He said he only had to wait 20 minutes to get in and the store was well stocked although he didn't check out the paper goods.

It was a beautiful day for being outside so I took a walk down to the rec center to pick up a free surgical mask for each of us. My understanding is that they think the best use of these is if you are coughing and/or sneezing then it keeps the potential virus from becoming airborne and infecting others. It won't protect you from airborne viruses though. I added them to our home healthcare supplies.

Thankful for - 

This lovely cheerful view from my home office window.


  1. Love your office view. I thought it was a painting at first glance.

    1. It is more glorious than usual as we had a lot of rain this winter.

  2. This statement you make hits the nail on the head for me- "I think we may be underestimating just how emotionally wearing this is on us even if it is not consciously bothering us at a given time. On the other hand, I need some structure and a sense that I used the day well. A conundrum." While I want to get better at being "comfortable" with the shutdown/staying at home, I also want it to be over ASAP!

  3. It seems that everyone is discovering Zoom. We held a birthday party last night from eight different locations.

  4. What a beautiful view from your home office. I don't think I would be able to get much done at all. I would be staring out the window all day.

    God bless.

  5. In a group email today, one of our members said she wishes she had a t-shirt to wear when she goes grocery shopping that reads: My mask protects you; your mask would protect me! I thought that was great.

    Is that a bottle brush tree? It's beautiful.

  6. How fabulous that you were able to meet up with the book club. What are you kids reading right now?

    Lovely view outside your window. We had an unusually wet early spring and things are greening up nicely as a result. Brings a smile to my face to see our beautiful poppies!


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