
Saturday, March 14, 2020

Let's share ideas for what to do while social distancing

Now that we are in state of emergency shutdowns, cancellations and advice to stay home as much as possible so that our health care system and providers have a fighting chance to keep on top of helping those most sick, how can we occupy ourselves, stay healthy and fit, and keep social contact going?

I'm just starting to think about this and realizing that the few hobbies I have all are sedentary or involve leaving home. So far I've

- Picked up more books to read
- Thought about pulling out my art colored pencils and trying drawing again or color the art coloring book I picked up
- Borrowed some jigsaw puzzles
- Thought about cooking and freezing some easy meals in case we both get sick
- Set up a Facetime call with our granddaughter and thought about who may need phone calls to help stave off depression
- Decided it is a good time to finally up my exercise especially since I just found out I need bunion surgery and need to be able to easily manage crutches for 1 to 3 weeks afterwards so need upper body strengthening. I won't be pursuing a Pilates studio right now so need to try some Youtube videos to start that. I can still go for walks and increase the distance too. I think our little community pool is still open but don't know if the locker room is so will check that out.
- The house could use a deep cleaning (boring!)
- I'd like to alter 2 pairs of jeans/slacks to make the legs narrower
- I could assume my club will meet in the fall and start figuring out what needs to be done to plan for the year

Let's share ideas! What are you planning or considering doing during this time of social distancing?


  1. My wife bought a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle when she went to the store on Thurs. I guess that's what we'll be doing for the next few days.

    1. That is the size I borrowed too. They do take a while.

  2. Social distancing myself won't make much difference in my life because I don't interact all that in public anyway except going to the post office twice a week. I'll make that once a week now.

    I love giant puzzles but I don't borrow them (or books) from the library and haven't for years because I'm a bit of a germaphobic.

    Staying at home is going to be a grand experience for some and torture for others. I have two relatives who work for a huge medical supply company---makes hospital beds, etc and they were both told to work at home until the end of June! They are packing up and moving into their summer cottage, thrilled that they can work from there.

    1. That is the furthest out date I have heard yet! I'm trying to figure out when to schedule my needed bunion surgery and was thinking the end of May but perhaps I should move that to the end of June.

  3. You have good ideas on how to keep ourselves upbeat and entertained whilst social distancing. Our local indie bookstore put out a call asking for people to order books online from them and they will mail the books for 99 cents, so I ordered a Louise Penny book. I am coloring in my Finding Joy in Philippians book, and will watch The Storyteller movie about Jim Henson. Be well my friend.

  4. I am an introvert so it may be a little easier for me to stay home than some others, but just knowing I don't have a choice is irritating. It is for the best, I know. I just need to make a list of things to do around here.


What I’m Reading Wednesday

Another book for the challenge - Prompt 50: Set in the 1940’s.  One of those plots that shifts from present day to the 1940s and back repeat...