
Monday, January 20, 2020

Winter Bucket List Update - January

I started my Winter Bucket List in late December so now is time for an update! I've made a few modifications but it still is pretty much the same categories and ideas.


      1. Follow a quarterly shopping list and 20 in 2020 limit on clothing purchases -  I've only bought one item so far as I replaced my watch that stopped working.


·     2. Have a massage every month - This may be the best goal ever and I had one in January.
      3. Exercise more and more regularly - Slowly getting better
      4. Consultation & decision/action plan for gum issue - not yet; will talk to dentist again in February.
·     5. Research best treatment for stiff thoracic spine, neck hump and prolapse; add to exercise routine - Not yet but my stretching DVD does address the thoracic spine issue - now to just do it daily.


6. Set vacation plans & dates - San Antonio + day trip(s) - We are now thinking about Fall
7. Read with a learning plan - Complete ESO Torch level (relates to a program of my women's club) - I read 3 books that apply and a bunch that don't.
·     8. Take at least one class each quarter  - I didn't see any OLLI classes I wanted to take but am in the midst of an online FutureLearn course on History of the Book in the Early Modern Period (1450-1800) through Trinity College, Ireland
      9. Explore at least one new area/attraction in Ventura County each month - That scenic drive took us  through part of the Santa Monica Mountains National/State Park that I hadn't seen before
10. Become a local live theater, music and art opening patron - Not yet



11. See local son and DIL at least 2 times - We went to the Rose Parade and had brunch at their house. My son is coming over this Saturday to have his belated birthday lunch with me so we can have 1 on 1 time.
12. Facetime and/or send granddaughter mail every 2 weeks – I sent her a funny card & bug stickers.
13. Visit Berkeley family - We have planned a visit for February 13-18
14. Have monthly phone conversations with brother - I had a nice long call with him.
·     15. Write cousins and connect with nieces/nephews quarterly - Caught up with my oldest nephew via Facebook messaging 
      16. Date night/activity every other week - We went out for a happy hour dinner and also went for a scenic drive

17. Initiate one small group/one-on-one social activity monthly – Had lunch with a friend
18. Host at least one social event in our home for friends and/or family - We are hosting a dinner party for 18 on Feb 1

19. Decide on gifting and donations for year & make them - We made our decisions and so far have given to my Women’s Club scholarship fund and our local Friends of the Library



20. Start minimum required withdrawals from 401K – the law changed so now will start in 2021

House Repairs/Maintenance

21. Guest bath grab bars - installed
22. Carpet cleaned - Still need to schedule
23. Windows repaired – Need to get an estimate
24. Shower drain fixed - Haven't found a simple solution yet


  1. You are so organized and dedicated to your plan. I'm impressed with how much progress you've made in you bucket list and it's only January!

    1. Isn't that the truth! This is the most challenging time of the year for me to stay motivated. This list is an inspiration.

  2. A dinner party for 18 . . . wow, when you go, you go big! I love to host gatherings, but eight is pretty much my limit because I have this thing about everything being made from scratch. Hopefully you are utilizing some outside assistance?

    BTW- our best friends attend the same OLLI that you do. How fun if you've actually met and didnt realize!

    1. I wonder if we have met! 18 was unintentional as I was sure some would be busy LOL. I am doing a buffet, have picked an Italian theme and everything can be made ahead. Just stick a few things in the oven or on the stove at the end. My son and DIL had 24 for brunch New Year's Day in a home less than half the size of ours so I'm sure we can pull it off. The grocery list is the biggest hurdle right now. On to making sure I have cooking, serving and eating dishes next.

  3. That sounds like a detailed but doable list. You go girl. The future is yours.

  4. Great job on that winter bucket list. You are really getting things completed.

    God bless.

  5. You've been busy this winter! I'm impressed. It sounds like you've had lots of connection with family. I love it. Good luck on all of your other goals as well. Happy winter!

  6. I should have put massages on my list!! Then I would have to find a way to get them. Aren't they heavenly?

    Sounds like you have lots of your activities planned out. Glad you had a good conversation with your brother, celebrated your son's birthday one-on-one and got a goody sent out to your granddaughter. I keep thinking I should buy Valentine's for my oldest granddaughter so she can start filling them out. Somehow that is quite a chore at their house. Thanks for linking up with me.

    1. Just read your list and like how you left "chores" out of it!

  7. A dinner party for 18 sounds fun; a lot of work but fun work. I've been talking about hosting more parties/ get togethers lately too.


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