
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Sentence a Day - March 2019

I'm trying this format again!


1. $99.99 spent at Trader Joe's and left wondering why I let our food supplies get so low!
2. Pouring rain when I got up so much so that even the dog would only venture out under the overhang to pee.
3. Laundry plus closet and wardrobe reorganization and clean out as part of beta test of a program being developed for 16 Style Types which led me to downsize my clothing once again and make better use of what storage space we have including the formerly empty bathroom vanity.

The collage put together for the beta test Facebook group
4. A gloriously beautiful Spring day that makes you want to pull a chair up in the sun and sit and read and daydream but instead you run errands, go to the library, walk the dog, attend a board meeting and have an annual physical!
5. More rain which is so rare here but a good excuse to go shopping or catch up at home but first get the lab tests done from my physical with a new doctor.
6. Wow, the day feels long when your dog keeps you up for 3 hours during the night because she is sick and then you remember what it was like to parent young children and still go to work but I avoided taking - dog is fine now!
7. Finally got to see some of my Somis Thursday Club friends and go out to lunch and for 2 1/2 hours I laughed more than I have in a very long time.
8. We spent the evening in Pasadena having dinner with our son and DIL and going to the Spring Art walk where we saw some amazing local talent in paintings (the one I wanted was $4500 - did not buy!).

I've designated this next week the "Get it Done" week -

9. After sleeping over and our dog being ecstatically happy to see DIL in the morning, we took them out to breakfast, headed home and spent most of the rest of the day sorting and getting rid of paperwork.
10. A day of sorting through paperwork and other stuff that had accumulated in the house like Amazon returns so now all set for the coming week.
11. Actually found 2 clothing items to buy for Spring - a scarf and linen top and ordered 2 pairs of sandals and one pair of flats to try.
12. Spent the day addressing lots of piles of things which were mostly put away and a long to do list some of which got continued to tomorrow.
Flat surfaces attracting piles of things!
13. More chores - enough said.
14. A day off mostly from chores since I went to my monthly women's club lunch meeting which let me get a bit more dressed up with my new top and scarf although that is a tank peaking out at the bottom as it was windy and a bit chilly.

15. Another day of Get it Done including appointments made, online paperwork and volunteer work completed, and general prep for the coming week.
16. The third day of windier than usual and the pine needles are coming down a fair amount but I was out early getting groceries, then we went to the DMV armed with documents to get approved for the Real ID drivers licenses and out for pizza and beer at a local brewery as a reward.

Coming up is Self Care week for me!

17. Part of self care is spending time with friends and doing things you enjoy which is why I spent the afternoon with a few friends at a cabaret performance. (Also walked 2.5 miles in the morning!)

18. Flexibility focus with a stretch DVD and then a mammogram and a bone density test finish off my physical for the year.
19. Dropped Hubby at the train station as he heads off to Dallas to check off his bucket list item of spending a day at the Kennedy assassination museum and then continued the taking care of my health part of self care with dermatologist and dentist appointments.
20. Today's self care was more fun as I got a haircut.
21. Ahhhh, a massage which I have decided to do monthly for 6 months and see what the results are and then picked Hubby up at the train station.
22. A fun day shopping in Santa Barbara with friends who also want to refresh their Spring/Summer wardrobes.

23. Catch up day with tax payment, car washing, laundry, etc. before I start project and yoga week.

Project and Yoga Week to Wrap up the Month

24. Well, my project of the day was to get as far through module 11 of 12 for the beta test program that I have committed to doing so not much else happened except a walk.
25. Such exciting projects we have going on including getting bids for extra attic insulation and duct sealing - contractor #1 today - and then we washed the car and put on the new tag.
26. A tough night and morning as the dog has been not well, but we got into see the vet and she is really doing very well now which is a relief and made the rest of the day go better although little was accomplished except stretching and going out for a cup of coffee.
27. Woke up determined to enjoy the day by reading and going out to lunch with Hubby - and I did plus I made chicken soup!
28. Feeling lazy but at least Hubby booked contractor to fix insulation in attic.
29. Laundry, yoga for 1 1/2 hours, finished research project for women's club and went to the library.
30. Made low fat pumpkin muffins and chili for dinner.
31. Ended the month with dinner in Santa Monica with old friends from grad school.

Hope March was full of lovely and interesting days for you.
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  1. You and I accomplished something in common last month. Sending the hubbies off for bucket list items. :) Mine wanted to see the Grand Canyon. I talked him into taking a side trip while he was in Arizona for MLB spring training games. I had been ages ago, and didn't have a desire to see it again. Makes me feel rather unappreciative of the wonders of nature to admit that, but there it is. :\

    1. Good for him for going on his own! I don't like to repeat most experiences either. Visiting Yosemite used to be an exception but we haven't even thought about going since we are back in California. I took my then 13 year old younger son to see the Grand Canyon although he said he didn't want to see a big hold in the ground. Once we got out of the car his reaction was "awesome!"

  2. Yes flat surfaces attract papers!! I like how you dedicate weeks to certain things like self care or getting things done. I am in need of self care, feeling a little drained lately!

    1. I think self care week may become a regular occurrence as it was lovely. Highly recommend for recharging.

  3. Like you, I love original art ... but most of it is so expensive. We still think about a wonderful seascape we saw on the Jersey Shore, but it was $15,000! The most we've ever spent on a painting is $500.

    1. Good for you for buying original art at any price!

  4. OK - I love you have weeks dedicated to things. I like that thinking... break things down to smaller goals!!
    Side Note - I WISH my dogs wouldnt go out when its raining that hard. My dogs go out & sit in it like the sun is shining. Hmph

    1. That is funny about your dogs! They are all such individuals. Oddly mine loves having a bath so who knows what the difference is to her.

  5. I LOVE that you have weekly themes, that is fantastic! I love that, working on you one week at a time. We are just a hop, skip and a jump away from each other...I love SB, where we go for our weekend getaways sans kids :)

    1. What would your first weekly theme be if you did one?

  6. Oh to have an organized closet like that!! Do you have any tips on how to get started?

    1. Don't own many clothes! Seriously I have a small number of clothes and that helps. I've been rearranging more this week to make it easier still to use.

  7. Ooo, I like the idea of pumpkin muffins with chili - great combo!!

    You are looking particularly smashing. The green outfit is especially calling my name. Hope it went home from the store with you.

    Look at you conquering the piles. I am in my loft right this second where I must must must finish the spring cleaning I began here last week. Feels so good to put things in order.

    1. Thanks and the green outfit did come home although the weather + situation hasn't yet been right for wearing it. You are more dedicated to Spring cleaning than I am - good luck.


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