
Thursday, November 1, 2018

October wrap up

So here in S. California fall is just a little cooler than late summer. I'm determined to get in the fall mindset though. Here is what it looks like from our tiny patio some days - early morning and late afternoon.

I've joined up with Leslie and other bloggers to keep track of the month with a sentence (or more) a day. There's a link up below if you'd like to see what others have done or join in.

Week 1: Not only is it National Pumpkin month but the 1st was National Pumpkin Spice Day. I celebrated with a pumpkin spice latte to get me through a Pet Club board meeting and stocked up on Trader Joe's low cost canned pumpkin for future pumpkin bread.

Started 2 1/2 weeks of cat sitting for a neighbor who is insisting on paying me despite my protests.

Great clouds this week, made the best chicken noodle soup yet, and had a lovely time at my book discussion group.

Week 2: Saw "A Star Is Born" while avoiding our house during a scheduled power outage and it was such a sad ending but Bradley Cooper did such a great acting job and of course Lady Gaga's singing was amazing.

Ended the week with my women's club monthly meeting which was interesting and fun as usual, a local candidates forum, yoga class and then lunch with my son & DIL to see wedding pictures!!!

Week 3: Love this quote: “A party without dessert is just a meeting” ~Julia Child

Tried a new hairdresser and am quite happy with the result. 

It was mid-summer hot again plus very windy.

Did stuff - Yoga class, paid our property taxes, proposed Thanksgiving gathering at our house, helped Hubby pick out the color of his tooth implant (miniscule differences!). 

Offered a small patio table we aren't using to our son with new house. He wants it and we will take up in November.

Week 4: It looks like I can step back and just be Treasurer of the club that was without leadership. We have recruited candidates for the other offices and that makes me happy.

But for another group I have agreed to try to sell a 1932 parlor grand player piano with 30 rolls. It is supposed to be quite valuable. Any ideas? We need contacts in S. California or anywhere if they might know of a buyer.

And I felt very French (ok, very Californian) taking my tote bag to the organic farmer's market this Saturday morning. Even have the poodle to fit in although she stayed home. Lots of goodies including an apple tart to have with my coffee when I got home.

Final 4 Days: Sunday afternoon we went to see a performance of "Into the Woods" at our local small theater and it was great although a much darker story that we expected.

Finally figured out where to get our kitchen knives sharpened: a mobile service that is at the local Joanne Fabric store every other month.



  1. Got tickled at your comment about feeling very French/Californian with your tote bag of farmer's market goodies and your poodle! I remember admiring all of the Parisian women riding bikes in dresses and swearing I was going to start riding a bike to work. Didn't do it even one time!
    Hope you have found a way to advertise and sell the piano. And glad you enjoyed your book club meeting so well. What are you guys reading right now? My virtual book club is about to select their 6th book. Our last two titles have been difficult reads. Hope we choose something a little lighter this next time.

    1. We all read different books and then talk about the ones we liked and share copies if we bought them. Makes for quite a window into ideas for expanding one's reading horizons. The one I read in Oct that I liked the most was "The Cat's Table" by Michael Ondaatje (author of the English Patient). Fiction that reads like an amazing memoir and mystery combined.


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