
Tuesday, May 1, 2018

May Goals - A Baker's Dozen

I've got so many challenge lists going that I'm losing track! Thought I'd simply pull together what I want to accomplish this month.

1. Stretching/flexibility 21 day challenge - yoga 2x a week OR stretch DVD

2. Schedule gym orientation

3. Go swimming (out of my comfort zone!)

4. Double check that I have the printed results of recent physical lab tests

5. Plan Mother's Day weekend at our house including cleaning and staging patio

6. Go to Women's Club monthly meeting and library book club monthly meeting

7. Plan trip to see granddaughter

Clothes and Shopping
8. Wear a different outfit combination every day - actually going to try for 100 days and then thin out what I don't wear or is uncomfortable

9. Buy only a pair of shoes, new down comforter and possibly 2 bed pillows

10. Address adding Hubby to a CD that is in my name only

11. Learn how to download apps by putting Lyftt and Uber on my phone (out of my comfort zone!)

12. Try Pandora to get music back in my life (out of my comfort zone!)

13. Try a new recipe each week and a new to us restaurant

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March Reads - First half

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