
Monday, April 30, 2018

Get out! Of my comfort zone that is. An update.

I'm joining in in stepping out of my comfort zone. My first post was about the challenges I wanted to address and a request for ideas. This is a recap of how I stretched my comfort zone in the past month. Check below for other updates

- I decided that really upping my exercise and health related activities is a big project I can get behind. Slow and steady is my mantra. We will see how it goes. First step was going back to yoga class.

- Working on meeting people and finding my tribe. Asked an acquaintance to walk our dogs together. Went to library book club meeting. Went to local women's club meeting and joined. Went with a smaller group later to an afternoon movie and coffee afterwards. Really liked these women. I'm getting out there.

- We went to a play at the closest small theater and loved it. I need to think more about volunteering there, at the library or food bank and make a choice. I was recruited to volunteer at the local hospital but really don't want to spend time in that environment.

An InLinkz Link-up


  1. Some awesome changes you have made. Some good ideas that are worth trying. Thanks for the great post.

  2. You have engaged in some fun activities, they are great choices. I volunteer for I You Ventures, don't know if it is a national group. You might like a book I just read, My Year With Eleanor; the author does one thing every day that she fears, for one year, based on Eleanor Roosevelt's life.

    1. What do you do with I You Ventures? It does look like it is local to you but there are many orgs much alike around the country.

      Thanks for the book suggestion - I hadn't hear of that one.

  3. Great to hear you've been getting out and meeting new people that you liked. I participate in this link up, too. I enjoy reading what new activities everyone has tried.

    1. Everyone's activities have been so different too.

  4. It is difficult to try new things and to decide "not for me" but best in the long run. Wherever you meet new people who you like is a very good place. I've chosen activities that did not feel right for me and then regretted it so take the time to find the right activity with the right people.

    1. It does take time to find the right fit.

  5. Wow Juhli, you have really taken the bull by the horns. I really made an effort when we moved too and it has paid off. Enjoy yourself, I went to the cinema with new(ish) friends last evening to see a British film called, and don’t laugh, the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society. Based in Guernsey during the occupation by the Germans during the war, it is a story of love, loss and relationships. Had us laughing and crying all at the same time. So good to have girl friends! The film is based on a book which I must have read about 10 years ago. That was well written too. You must read it if you like that genre. Have a good eek.

    1. I have read that book with my former book club and we all really liked it! Didn't know there was a movie out now.


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...