
Sunday, April 22, 2018

Spring Bucket List Update

A month in and I'm joining in on updates. Check out the links below to see what everyone else has been up to.

Spend Easter weekend with family: 
     It was a fun weekend:
-     We did go see the wedding to be venue on Saturday morning. It will be held at a large house near the Rose Bowl (son and his fiancĂ©e live in Pasadena) with a back yard set up for outdoor entertaining. 
-     Saturday night ham dinner with homemade carrot cake with cream cheese frosting my contribution. I used a recipe from The Prudent Homemaker’s carrot cake with sour cream frosting. (
-     Easter morning was brunch with egg decorating. I contributed a coffee cake made from a recipe I won’t use again but almost all of it was eaten anyway.

Try out a book club: 
-     Tuesday morning library book club: This group meets once a month at the library. I attended the April 10th meeting for a discussion of Norwegian at Night by Derek Miller.

Bonus social activity: Go to a meeting of the Somis Thursday Club (a women’s club) and decide whether to pursue being a member.
-     I attended the local chapter of the Greater Federation of Women’s Clubs. Their monthly luncheon meeting was April 12th. I have decided to join and see how it works out. I went to the monthly movie get together and that was fun. They have a book group too that I will try out.

Celebrate our anniversary: 
-   We combined this with our theater outing on April 15th: Going along with the theme of trying new things we went to a new to us restaurant and had a fabulous meal and talked about what we might like to do in the next year.

Go to a play: 
-     Live theater is my thing: As mentioned before we saw a laugh out loud play, Sylvia, which was a great experience.

Three 21 day challenges: 
-    Challenge 1: I did it except for one day! I walked at least 1.5 miles a day. Onward to keeping it up and starting Challenge 2: Stretching/flexibility which will mean yoga at least once a week + stretching at home for a total of 3 days a week + keep on walking other days (minimum).

Visit a tide pool: We keep talking about this and simply need to find out when is a good time to do it and if we can join a ranger walk one day. Leo Carrillo State Beach here we come.

Go to Genghis Khan exhibit at the Reagan Library: May or June will be the target for this. I have a longtime friend who lives near it so we will see if she wants to join us.

Throw a party to celebrate one year back in California: We moved into this house on April 19th although we owned it starting March 22nd. We are thinking a snacks and drinks kind of event to which we will invite DHs pickle ball friends, my Pet Club friends, a few other people we have met or reconnected with, and family. That is a lot of people. Ideas for menus and how to stage this???


  1. It's fantastic that you're doing your 21-day challenges and planning more social activities. I look forward to reading your updates.

  2. Sounds like you are really branching out and finding groups and activities to participate in. Yay!! Happy one year anniversary back in Cali. Looking forward to reading about your celebration.

  3. What a great list, and it sounds like you're making good progress on it. Enjoy your spring!


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...