
Thursday, March 22, 2018


We are in the second of two very rainy days which would be unremarkable if we still lived in Atlanta. But here in S. Cal it is remarkable although very much needed due to the ongoing drought in our area. I am finding that instead of feeling like Spring rain it instead is cold and damp in our house and outside.

If we were still in Atlanta it wouldn't stop us from doing anything but as it is so rare here we are avoiding the roads as much as possible. However Hubby is off driving quite a way to take my FIL to the funeral of a dear friend of his. I imagine it is quite hard to be 91 and have your age mates funerals to attend.

Anyway, this Spring rain made me think about some of the sayings that have Spring in them and thought I would list a few for your entertainment (and mine).

- A spring in one's step
- I'm no spring chicken
- Hope springs eternal
and most baffling to me
- One swallow does not a spring make


  1. I think the last one means seeing one swallow return doesn't mean spring is definitely upon us...maybe the one was just an 'early bird'...spring will be full on when the sky is full of swallows. :)

    1. That makes sense! I've never lived anywhere that there were swallows so for me it would be one robin.

    2. We are going on a Swallows tour today, coincidentally, at the San Juan Capistrano Mission where they return each spring to nest.

      I'll let you know if I learn anything interesting!

    3. I'd forgotten about that. We went there once too.

  2. Spring forward, fall back. If winter's here can spring be far behind? I dunno, maybe those are different. Right now where I am in the Northeast spring = snow!


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