
Friday, December 15, 2017

5 for Friday: Edition 5 - Looking forward

Whew! We are back to normal now that the winds have stopped and the fires are more easily addressed. So many people and so much wildlife habitat was impacted though.

I'm focused on the future for this week's round up -

1. Currently contemplating trying the word for the year type of New Year's resolution again. Have you ever picked a word that set your intentions for the coming year? 

I'm considering "Determination" - as in being determined, self-determination, overcoming obstacles, staying the course, stubborn pursuit of goals, dedication, etc.

2. I signed up for 2 OLLI classes (one art; one jazz) and Hubby signed up for one. Great resource if you are near a program and love learning new things in the company of others over 55.

3. Christmas is coming and we will spend Christmas Eve and day at my local son's home in Pasadena. I'm asked to bring the makings for an overnight egg bake. Anyone have a favorite?

4. I've decided to shop for clothes and ignore the return fees when doing so as I keep not buying anything which is good for the pocketbook but not for my having things to wear that are weather appropriate! Went ahead and placed orders this week and hoping many of them work out.

5. I also must look forward and face up to finding out how to redo our wills. Has anyone used for this?


  1. I do actually pick words as my New Year refresh, so to speak. My word in 2016 was 'Seek,' and we ended up traveling to 15 countries and 6 new states that year. In 2017 my word was 'Renew,' and that is definitely what much of this year turned out to be about (wrap up post forthcoming on my blog).

    Re: Egg strata/casserole, while I don't have a recipe offhand, I feel like I've never had a bad one, so I think they are pretty darn forgiving!

    1. I love that your words have been reflected in your actual year. You are ahead of me as I've never had an egg bake so have no comparison basis lol.

  2. The word for 2017 was listen. It gave me pause on many occasions causing me to close my lips and open my ears, a good reminder.
    8 slices of bread with crusts removed
    12 oz grated cheddar cheese
    1 lb bacon, cooked & crumbled
    12 eggs
    1 c. milk
    salt & pepper to taste
    Lay bread in 9x13" baking dish. Sprinkle grated cheese on top. Beat eggs. Add milk & seasoning. Pour mixture over cheese layer. Top with crumbled bacon. Let stand overnight in fridge. Bake @ 275F x 1 hr.

    1. What a great experience with your 2017 word of the year! Thanks for the recipe.

  3. I'd lke to hear more about your OLLI classes. We don't have OLLI where I am; we have Center for Retirement Learning instead . . . and we love it.

    1. OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) is a program run at many universities/colleges that is much like continuing education and is usually housed in that department. However it is for 55+ and uses volunteer advisory boards to help plan the curriculum. The offerings vary widely depending upon the users and the expertise of the potential teachers. I've just taken one class so far in the art history area and it was great. I noticed that the students skew younger than those I encountered at the program I attended in Atlanta.

    2. Thanks ... I gotta see if we have one anywhere around us b/c it sounds more organized and professional than what we have locally. Thanks for the info!

  4. Determination...a quality you display much of, in my mind. Great word for the coming new year. I have been toying with this idea of blogging and living a word for the year. Still thinking on my word.

    Glad to read the breakfast recipe suggestions here. May stir up something similar at my house. Enjoy your holiday.

    1. Thank you! I'm still contemplating my word for the year and how to make it a reality. Connecting, Vitality, Fun ... the options are endless.


Five on Friday -

A last minute addition- I just got an energy audit scheduled for this coming Tuesday and I am hoping it enables us to make cost effective im...