
Wednesday, July 5, 2017

June in a Sentence a Day

This is the month we felt like we were really settling in both to our new location and new home.

My June -

1 - Nearing the end of the HVAC installation saga with both the installer supervisor and city inspector visiting as a team today and finally agreeing on the changes that have to be made to get sign off.
The view out our front door on June 1st.
2 - We have beds!!!
3 - So tired of shopping for the house and returning our mistakes, but the new resident orientation today was very illuminating and dinner with my FIL and husband's great aunt was fun so I think I broke even for the day.
4 - One of three ceilings needing painted was done by Hubby today so it is now white instead of dark khaki and seem much higher due to optical illusion of color.
5 - I wasn't able to access my new mobile banking app and it turned out it was something the bank had to do on their end not app inexperience user error!
6 - Went to a yoga class in a while and marveled at the 98 year old participant.
7 - Hubby headed off to another required in-person work week in Atlanta and I attended the Art Club summer picnic where I chatted with some very nice people.
8 - Gave myself permission to just "hang out" and not be productive or social.
9 - Stopped by the Studio Channel Islands gallery and had a nice chat with one of the resident artists.
10 - Made an early morning run to the Camarillo Farmer's Market and was happy to find a good selection of in-season veggies & fruit plus baked goods, prepared food items and flowers.
11 - Came up with a menu for our Father's Day dinner for 12 with help from Hubby and both DIL's.
12 - Took the pup to the Pet Club ice cream social, calendar photo shoot and doggie fashion show and she relaxed enough to meet some dog friends and accept some pets from other people!
13 - Had a fun chat with a neighbor and she brought over her phone number a bit later so there is definitely potential for friendship.
14 - The dog tossed and turned for hours last night so we both are tired today but she is the one taking naps and I am the one who went and picked up a free set of golf clubs for myself!
15 - We enjoyed a beer on the patio at Institution Ale Company here in Camarillo.
16 - Of course a planned power outage would be on the hottest day yet this summer.
17 - Two more pictures hung and two flowers planted - progress.
 18 - Celebrated Father's Day with dinner for 12 and the dog became friends with our DIL and her dog.
19 - Decided to put my money towards exercise and recreation by buying a putter to finish up my free club set and sunscreen to ensure being outside isn't painful the next day.
20 - Wow, that was an unpleasantly chaired meeting to attend as a potential volunteer.
21 - These make me happy just to look at but I won't be trying to recreate them!
22 - We are off for a long weekend with the grand-baby!
Dog pit stop
23 - She spends her time clapping, pounding things together or untying Pooh-Bah's slippers.

24 - Merry-go-round and a steam train rides followed by dinner out with a happy baby is the best way to spend a Saturday.
25 - A fearless baby splashing and kicking while in Daddy's arms in the pool at baby swim hour had us laughing hard.
26 - Another 7 hour drive to get home.
27 - Catching up today on laundry, grocery shopping and other home chores.
28 - A day of just doing stuff including pruning the bougainvilleas.
29 - So tired after the dog's restless night punctuated by midnight strolls outside with no results but we went to the Classic Cars and Food Trucks event at Camarillo Ranch tonight anyway!
30 - Ended the month by having a laser procedure on the back lens in my right eye to correct a complication that is common after cataract surgery.


  1. So many great moments in your month! Love the succulent chairs from the 21st,and am very intrigued by your veiled comment on the 20th!

    Looks like your life in Camarillo is shaping up wonderfully, and if course, time with grandbabies is the best!

    PS - Remember to click on link below and add your own Sentence A Day post to the group. It's very easy. ☺

    1. Oh yes, that meeting. I've been President of several volunteer organizations and I was so turned off by the hectoring tone of the chair of this group. And although I said I was considering volunteering in a needed area no one came and encouraged me. Oh well.

  2. June looks like a nice month for you. The picture of your grand baby untying her grandpa's shoe laces is too cute. Hanging pictures is not as easy as it sounds. It takes time to decide on the right location for the picture or art work but once it's hung, it adds so much to its surroundings. I love bougainvilleas...they're not easy to grow in Toronto!

    1. Thanks. She is discovering the power of her hands and fingers. The whole weekend was about those skills for her at least.

  3. 10: we go to the Camarillo farmers market every Saturday.
    9: I belong to the Ventura County Handweavers and Spinners Guild--two of our members have studios at SCI.

  4. What a great month, and that succulent chair, I don't know how people make it look so good and not easy! Are you in Camarillo, CA? I grew up in Simi Valley and am always down that way, actually I was near there on Tuesday to watch the fireworks in Thousand Oaks :) Thanks for linking up with us! I hope you join in again next month!

    1. Yes, we are in Camarillo with my FIL in Thousand Oaks, son & DIL in Pasadena and the granddaughter, son & DIL in Berkeley. Lots of extended family around too. It is good to be back in CA.

  5. Juhli---I loved reading about your month!! I want to be that 98 year old in yoga class someday (well, in about 40 years, ha ha)!

    1. I want to be her too so I had better make exercise more of a priority now.

  6. What an amazing month of June! Your grand-baby is so adorable and super cute. Looks like a very happy baby. :-)) thank you for sharing your month with us!

  7. Nice to connect with this sentence a day challenge. I love the succulent chairs too. Hope you are settling in.

    1. Thanks for commenting. Aren't those chairs amazing?

  8. What a great month and I bet you felt good taking a day to relax and enjoy the moment. Those succulent chairs are gorgeous but no, I won't be trying to make one. I love reading about seniors in their 90s still giving life a go and doing some sort of exercise. Such an inspiration! Have a great July! Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond

  9. You gals and your moves are wearing me out. I have sworn that I will remain in this house for the duration. Absolutely dislike moving. Must be a left-over from my former life as a military wife.

    Camarillo sounds like a bustling place to live with lots of fun activities. That house, that car! Both fabulous examples of history!

    Your granddaughter is precious. Love chubbiness. I think she and my chubby granddaughter would be fast friends.

    The succulent chairs are dreamy. I bet you could absolutely pull one off. Give it a go!

    So glad to have you doing these series posts with us!

    1. Thanks Leslie. I wish I had a spot for a succulent chair but I've learned we don't have enough hours of sun anywhere I could put them.

  10. Sounds like your are settling into your new house and neighborhood! There is sooo much work surrounding a move... Such a cute granddaughter!

    Have a great July!

    Andrea’s Wellness Notes

  11. Congratulations on your new move... Hope you are finding more friends with your neighbors this July…

    That grandbaby is well worth the 7-hour drive! How cute is she! Those cheeks!!!


Dinners & the week ahead

I am determined that this week with lots of rainy days forecast that I will finally get through most of the paperwork that has been sitting ...