
Saturday, April 8, 2017

30 Countdown to Move Out: Days 19 - 25

Give me your ideas please! What to eat once the kitchen is packed up? Breakfasts are especially hard for me to imagine beyond a carton of yogurt. I do have paper plates, plastic cups and plastic utensils available plus the frig.

One thing I highly recommend if you are moving to an area that will require a change of health care providers is to schedule appointments with all your main providers before you move! Find out how to transfer your medical records, what to ask to find the best next provider and get prescriptions with refills for any medications. You don't want to be scrambling for routine health care right after your move. That being said, I had the last of my appointments this week. I did have to cancel an annual Opthamology appointment due to the traffic nightmare created by the freeway bridge collapse here in Atlanta but that will not be so hard to replace and isn't urgent.

Happy I accomplished these things this past week:

Sale of current house:
- Cleaned inside cupboards, etc. in prep for final walk through.
- Scheduled haulers for April 13 for items that need to be junked (e.g. old mattresses, etc.).
- Received new microwave and installed it.
- The third item in the house broke and the plumber will be here on Monday morning to fix a leak in the bathroom sink. 

New house:
- Our cousin is picking up our mail at the new house so we won't have any past due bills for electricity, etc. by the time we get there.
- Scheduled cable installation and plumbing repairs.
- "Popcorn" ceilings have been removed and the ceilings painted. Photos look good.

Cross country move: 
- Hubby changed our health insurance to CA and found out how to change his address in payroll.
- Booked hotels and laid out route for drive across country April 14 - 19.
- Had the car in for a check up prior to driving across the country.

Packing & downsizing:
- The older car went to its new owners who are friends and our dog's foster family.
- Finally figured out way to pack a large oil painting and large framed print.
- Packed 11 boxes total. Just the last minute stuff left.

For myself:
- Good bye dinner with closest book club & neighborhood friends & lunch with best friend.
- Haircut.

What I am looking forward to this coming week:

- Mostly this being over with and getting on to the cross country drive! Going to face that day by day and not focus on how far it is LOL.


  1. Hi Juhli,
    Some ideas for breakfast aside from yogurt: cereal, oatmeal, granola bars, lots of fruits, hard boiled eggs if you have a small pan out for use. Also keep veggies like celery, carrots, cucumber, tomatoes and some dip in the fridge so you can snack if needed. You're so well organized with your move. Just think of the cross country drive as a road trip of sort, and do simple stretch exercises daily...You'll be in your new home soon.

    1. Thanks for the suggestions! We are trying very hard to take everything one day at a time and just work our project plan! Fortunately both of our careers involved creating and managing long term, large project plans so those skills are helping.

  2. I cannot tell you how many houses I have moved into that had a pot or pan in the cupboard :) . Buy something cheap and easy and just leave it. Borrow from a neighbor and leave it at their front door as you pull away.
    This is a perfect time of year to do a cross country haul. Remember to stop and smell a few roses along the way. We make it a habit to stop every 100 miles, get out and stretch, and refill the gas tank. You never know what is coming up. I love the Amish country of Ohio and the pueblos of New Mexico. I've seen 49 out of 50 states by car. Wonderful!
    May your last days be a joy in your old home.

    1. Lovely advice and thoughts! Between dog and I we will be stopping every 100 miles or so. It is interesting to drive across the country and see the variety of the amazing geography of this continent.

  3. Oh my goodness, breakfast? We go through this every year when we pack up and go back to Oregon. We eat out a lot more but I find that buying fruit and even eggs that can be microwave is a good option. Even if we have to toss a few things or give them to the neighbors, it is worth feeling healthy.

    Good luck. We look forward to seeing pictures of your new digs! :)


    1. Thanks for the encouragement.

    2. This omelette-making gadget is phenomenal-


It must be Fall - Thriving week 43

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