
Monday, March 20, 2017

30 Day Countdown to Move Out: Day 5

A "do anything but pack" day.

- Bought supplemental homeowner's insurance for an HOA property plus earthquake insurance.
- Picked up more free moving boxes and packing paper.  The kindness of strangers is saving us lots.
- Initiated wire transfer of remaining funds for home purchase.
- Went grocery shopping and started figuring out how to end up with zero food the day we leave.
- Hubby ordered more pads for protecting items in the truck.
- Agreed to give easel to former painting instructor and large sofa and rug to a non-profit for autistic children.
- Organized all lists of things left to do related to move and new home into a spreadsheet and tossed the pages of random notes.
- Signed yet one more document for home purchase.
- Hubby reserved workers to help load truck.

And last but definitely not least:
- How could I have forgotten about rattlesnakes? Saw info for a Camarillo parks and rec dept class to train your dog to recognize and avoid rattlesnakes! Comes with the promise that no dogs or rattlesnakes will be harmed during training LOL.

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