
Monday, November 14, 2016

And what will you do with your life this week?

We may have a granddaughter by the end of this week (and if not then the following week for sure) which is pretty exciting, but nothing about that event is on my to do list except for anticipating her safe arrival!

What I do have on my list?

- Raking until our 16 (yes 16) trash barrels are full. Monday is pick up day and then I start filling them again.

- Stretch DVD 6 days and Pilates session once. Walk!

- Moving things out of the bath to be remodeled. Figure out what else needs to be moved out of adjacent areas and  how to manage the dog during the process.  Figure out what I will do while stuck mostly upstairs with the dog. Perhaps I'll knit a scarf to brighten my black wool coat?

- Plan meals for Thanksgiving week with the idea that the remodeling work may be going on.  It is also DH's birthday that week!

- Give our dog a bath while the old tub is still here LOL.

- Clean the upstairs thoroughly now that sanding is done and just some touch up painting is left. Basic cleaning elsewhere.

- Drop some items off at the animal rescue thrift store. Do not buy anything!

- Make decisions about clothing items ordered before I created my shopping calendar. Shop for warm everyday shoes.

- Change online site email address to new Gmail address. Goodbye Comcast when we move.

- Draft agenda for Friends of the Library annual meeting and send to President nominee to finalize.


  1. Sounds like a busy week! Mine is too.

    1. Clean out closet BIG TIME.. big donations to Goodwill and also should have a good pile for the consignment store.

    2. Walk every day for 30 minutes with my husband.

    3. A library date day with DH.A favorite way to spend time!!!!

    4. Volunteer day at the Botanical Garden where I am a docent.

    5. Hands and Foot card game morning with neighbors.

    6. Plan the holidays: plan an open house I'm having for neighbors, a card group buffet and a few entertainment events.

    7. Start researching trips we want to take in 2017.

    I like having a plan for the week.. it's loose but it's a start!


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