
Sunday, August 28, 2016

31 weeks and counting - to putting house up for sale that is

I'm sure hoping that all of this "neutralizing" the house makes a difference in how the house sells!
Newly repainted to match other walls

Living room wall is back to boring sand color and now the fireplace detail doesn't stand out. Of course if a potential buyer just really hated green this is better LOL. The ceiling is white actually - don't know why it looks off.
Feature wall before
The vanity and an additional cabinet are ordered for the downstairs bathroom remodel so we are doing this for sure. Got them on sale which is great. Bids have been requested from 3 contractors.

We are in the process of deciding how much of the exterior pressure washing and remaining interior and some exterior painting we can do ourselves now that we have seen the cost.

Moving into the last week of August and all of September for me it is going to be all about yard work, the basement and going through more drawers and cupboards. Hopefully we will also get 2 or 3 contractors to bid on the bathroom remodel.

My husband is going to start working on repairing wall cracks upstairs and installing a tile sin back splash in the upstairs bath. He also is going to spray the house, shed and carport roof, carport wood and pavement with the self cleaning product we love (Spray and Forget). Then we can have a better idea if we can pressure wash and paint the fence and carport.

Fun times!


  1. The green with the fireplace looks good, but not worth someone deciding they'd rather buy some other house because the color doesn't suit them.

    1. Thanks for your encouragement! We were told we could leave the master bedroom that color as it is all the same color at least. Only one feature wall to go - Whew!

  2. I agree with the previous comment! You have good taste in colour, but you also deserve the best price when you sell. We are planning to do some pressure washing this month, too.

    1. Thanks! We have decided to learn how to pressure was starting with an old fence and deck. Home Depot rentals here we come.


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