
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Stretching in the 5 weeks of December

I am going to make the challenge for this month be to stretch my mind, body and money! I know that there are only 30 days in December but I'm challenging myself from November 30th through January 3rd to get in those 5 weeks and hopefully set some new habits.

- Read one non-fiction book a week so I can learn something. I'm in the middle of a history of the British Women's Institute right now and it is interesting. I also have a travel book we bought duirng a museum visit last week and need to get going on it.
- Go to a free Christmas chamber music concert.
- Cook something new to take to my book club Christmas party. I'm thinking a great hor dourves dish or perhaps cranberry almond biscotti to use up ingredients in my pantry. Or even both?

- Use my stretching DVD at least 4 times a week and do not pay for stretch classes. I started November 30th!
- Walk the dog every day. (0.75 miles)
- Take one urban hike each week. I have mapped two routes. One is 2.5 miles. The other is 4.25 miles.
- Pilates session each week. If my trainer is off for vacation be sure to schedule with someone else.

- See how long we can go without eating out! We had a great time including eating out a fair bit during our Thanksgiving week staycation and family visit. I am usually the one who suggests we go out so I am the one who needs to do better at planning to eat at home.
- Do not buy any books. I have started a list of ones to request inter-library loan.
- Order Christmas gifts from kids lists and have shipped directly to them or send checks.
- Stick to no clothes shopping. My one exception is a pair of sweatpants if I find ones I really like.
- Order debit cards for each of us.
- Check husband's SS statement.
- Get free credit reports and read carefully.

What are your goals for the month?


  1. Great goals!! I think mine are to rest and enjoy the holiday season, but continue walking, rebounding, and doing work on my abs/core.

    Have a wonderful holiday season!

    1. Enjoy your holiday time and continuing to rest and rebound.

  2. Since I retired at 64 ( Help! I have just calculated that is 16 years ago) I have used our small city (48,000 souls) library for all my reading using a reserve system that can access libraries across the country I can count on one hand the physical books I have
    bought ( must confess since my dear heart gave me a Kindle Paperwhite for my 75th birthday I have spent some $ on that but less than 100 and those when we were travelling) I have also downsized a considerable library ( at least a book a week for 44 years) by asking firstly will I read this again then after applying that filter have I read it or is it on my reading list? I have averaged a read of around 200 books a year so I can absolutely recommend your plan It works

    1. That is great! I am at that library once a week sorting donated books and have no excuse for buying any as I can borrow any of those as well as any from any library in the country. Plus I have found that when I buy them I often don't enjoy the ones I've chosen. I too love my kindle and it makes it so easy.


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