
Monday, November 9, 2015

Making progress this past week

I'm slowly chipping away at my November goals and reshaping some habits.

* I managed to exercise 4 days out of 7 this past week. Not daily but an improvement. I also rearranged furniture in the study so I have room to do floor exercises. That way I can run my exercise DVD on the computer or use ones on Youtube and not be in the way or making too much noise early in the morning.

* The lower kitchen cabinets and drawers have all been cleaned inside so progress on the kitchen deep cleaning front. Found 9 items to declutter and donate.

* Our Paleo Thanksgiving menu has been set via the wonders of a shared Pinterest board and email. It not only will all be edible for our guests but also sounds really good and gourmet-ish to me. Not to hard to make either with 4 of us cooking and the pie and cranberry sauce done the day before. Our older son and DIL are such fun to be with and I am really looking forward to their visit Thanksgiving week.

- Shrimp cocktail
- Stuffed turkey breast - I leaned that the Whole Foods butcher will bone and flatten the meat for us making it easy to assemble this turkey roll
- Cranberry orange sauce - just substitute maple syrup for white sugar and we are good here
- Savory mashed sweet potato
- Green beans with lemon
- Apple pie with almond and cashew crust
- White wine

* Had a lovely long lunch out with a friend. We also tried a new restaurant and had a really great time catching up on each others lives.

* Made myself let go of some more clothing that I don't love at all. A donation to the animal rescue thrift shop.

I haven't made any progress on yard work as it has been raining a lot and our yard waste was not picked up on trash day. This is the first time in 18 1/2 years that the sanitation crew didn't finish the route or come back the next day. I did call but it is still sitting there. Hopefully it will be gone on this Monday.

Also no progress on cleaning the basement but that is simply procrastination LOL.

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