
Friday, August 8, 2014

I'm inspired by these - weekend reading ideas

Don't know what to do this weekend? Read these and enjoy.

Purging paper and found treasure at Midlife Mom Musings - Sharon cleaned up the paper in her kitchen and office and found money besides! I should be so lucky. I am starting today on the "clear off my desk" goal on my list though. I am determined to resolve each item on the desk not just move it so this will take a while. Then the file cabinets.

The twenty ideas method at How to be Chic - This post took me back to 9th grade when we were given a creativity test (part of living in a university town; lots of experimental tests) that required us to come up with an many ideas as possible for a variety of things. For myself I am going to apply this to two questions: What things can I do that are likely to make me happy? What do I want to do before we move back to California in 2018?

In My Own Style's post on How to make outdoor glass globe lights - I just like this!

Recipe Girl's yummy looking raspberry mango dessert bruschetta - I just want to eat this!

The kitchen island made out of a dresser at My make do and mend year - An idea for our next house

Spiked mango lemonade - This is possibly going to be my birthday party cocktail.

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