
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Making the effort to socialize more

I am trying to be open to and act on opportunities to socialize more instead of spending my days happily alone. At the end of a week I always wish I had spent more time with family and friends.

We are going to a play Saturday afternoon along with our fellow season subscriber. Two other friends also bought tickets to this one and our cousin was planning to come for a long weekend visit. Her trip had to be postponed due to her mother's illness so I invited a single friend from up the street.

That would be good but in my effort to invite people over more often I invited everyone to lunch before the play. We cook for ourselves all the time but are out of practice cooking to entertain so I have be spending (too) many hours looking for ideas on food blogs!

Here is the menu for Saturday - what do you thing? Any suggestions?

Curried chicken sandwiches on croissants
Tomato salad with balsamic dressing
Watermelon mango salad
Cookies and gelato

And then we are off to see what should be a fun show - Cowgirls - at the Horizon Theatre here in Atlanta.


  1. Replies
    1. That would be lovely but a bit of a commute!

  2. My suggestion: Potluck. Less work, more fun (if you ask me).

    1. I like potlucks too and we do them for book club. Since my cousin was supposed to be visiting we wanted to do a nice meal for everyone especially since one person doesn't cook ever!

  3. I think it's a perfect menu. My go to is quiche that I can make ahead with a salad and cold cuts. Fresh fruit is perfect this time of year.
    PS my quiche makes its own crust.

    1. Oh, I'd love that quiche recipe. Making its own crust sounds great! Could you post it for everyone to see?

  4. Good for you on trying to do more with friends. I can be "happily" by myself too so putting forth the effort to get with people can be challenging. But we do it...not as often as some yet more often than others in this digital, social media age.

    1. It's great you make an effort & too bad that you don't live closer! We could walk dogs together.

  5. Socializing is not my forte either. Hope you had a great day - I liked the menu!

    1. It was a fun afternoon with a good mix of people. I'd do it again including the menu.


Dinners & the week ahead

I am determined that this week with lots of rainy days forecast that I will finally get through most of the paperwork that has been sitting ...