
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Another week, another 52 projects and accomplishments update

More projects completed:

23. Sprayed yard for mosquito control before they hatched. Hope to stay ahead of the problem this wet summer.

24. Altered two pairs of shorts so that they fit better and I am happier wearing them.

25. Hubby washed the front entry and siding. He also touched up some paint chips around the door using paint on hand.

Other accomplishments & all seem to be food related LOL.

- Made a coleslaw dish to take to the neighborhood potluck and summer party with what was on hand (green & red cabbage, green onions, red pepper, carrots and a vinegar dressing). It was a hit.

- Used up extra ripe bananas, applesauce and walnuts to make muffins

- Had 5 people over for lunch before a play matinee. We had fallen out of the habit of having people over to eat and are trying to get back to doing that more.

- Made a menu plan and followed it. No dinners out again this week.

- I am trying to break my going out for coffee & a treat every afternoon habit and managed not to do it at all this week.


  1. Its all progress, food related or not!! :)

  2. I bet the cafe habit is hard to break! Glad the lunch and play went well.

    1. It is a hard habit to break and I am sitting here right now thinking of going up and getting an iced coffee. I want to do it once a week or so and not daily.

  3. I have been reading so many depressing articles about the sorry state of American diets -not reducing diets, just everyday eating- that I'm beginning to think of cooking at home as a luxury item.

    As to cafe habits -- are you biking or walking there? One of my favorite bike ride things is to ride along a trail that just happens to have a coffee shop at the end. I still pay a silly amount for a coffee, but at least I've gotten some exercise.

    1. That sounds like a great reward for bike riding. When the weather permits I walk up about half the time to my local coffee shop. I do like to go there and read over a coffee to have a change of scenery so I drive on those occasions.


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