
Sunday, June 17, 2012

What a great Hubby - and Dad

We decided to start today with a walk with the dog along a bike/walking path through Freedom Parkway here in Atlanta.  We wanted to see an outdoor sculpture made out of wooden chairs.  Its not quite finished yet but very interesting.  It's going to look like this when it is finished.
Last year there was a much taller sculpture made out of all kinds and lengths of ladders in the same location.  It was a nice walk and lots of people and dogs were out enjoying the cooler morning air. 

Then, after joining in with me to make disgusted noises about the landscaper's pricing, hubby went out this afternoon and took care of one pruning job that they said would cost $150.  I helped figure out where the cuts should be made since I was able to walk around while he stood on the ladder.  About 45 minutes total including hauling out the ladder, etc. and it was done and cleaned up!  We are going to team up and do as much as we can ourselves and try to be happy about it..

He's ready for his Father's Day activity of choice - watching the final day of the US Open.  I'm sure the phone calls will start coming in soon from our sons and almost daughters-in-law who are on the opposite coast and all work hard so are enjoying relaxing Sunday mornings hopefully.  He kept his cards to open at lunch today - I always rip mine open right away LOL.

Hope you all are enjoying Father's Day with your loved ones!

1 comment:

  1. That is all kinds of cool! Sounds like a great day! :) Enjoy!


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