
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Trying reframing - "yardwork as exercise"

I have been referring to myself in front of the hubby as "The Yard Slave" - not that I resent our yard or anything (LOL).  After two days of just getting out there and working as long and hard as I can I am feeling the benefits - if I just think of it as exercise.  Free exercise.  And thank goodness I am a morning person because by afternoon it is way to hot.

I have pruned a lot of small stuff, sprayed for mosquitoes, sprayed part of the wooded area with a weed killer as preparation for cutting the underbrush, and also spread ween and feed, topsoil and bark mulch in an area where the ground cover is struggling.

Pretty impressed with myself right now (laughing as I say it).

Tomorrow is errands, some laundry and taking the dog to her spa day at the groomer's as she really needs a summer cut.  Thursday is volunteering and a bit of paid work.  Friday is back to exercising in the yard!  We continue to eat dinners at home and I am happy with that although I think an evening out is about due.

Hope you are having a good week and whatever you really don't like to do (but have to) you can see in a more positive light.


  1. The garden is so therapeutic in every way, glad you are enjoying it and feeling the benefits...

  2. Yardwork IS exercise. You will deserve a night out after all this work/exercise/fun/therapy. :)


Five plus on Friday - My week in review

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