
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Now I have 13 Happiness Commandments

I was watching the news while away and listened to all the glowing remembrances of Dick Clark as a person.  Everyone they interviewed repeatedly mentioned what a kind man he was.  That is not an accolade you hear about many people from so many people.  I spent some time thinking about whether that would be the first thing people would think of to say about me and really don't think it is.  I would like it to be in the top 3 at least!

So my baker's dozen Happiness Commandments list now has "Be Kind" as number 13.  I'll be thinking about changes I want to make to have that be a larger part of who I am to the world.


  1. I agree!!! I try to be kind, understanding, generous, etc... in the end what else really matters except how you've treated others throughout your life?!

  2. Kindness, so missing in our world today!!

    1. We seem to have lost it in the public sphere but I think it is there on a more personal level.

  3. I am sure they already think this about you.
    Great to see you are still blogging....

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence! Those who know me well would think that but more casual friends probably wouldn't have that label pop into their heads as a first thought - not that they would think I am mean just that they would identify other personality characteristics first.


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