
Saturday, October 29, 2011

2012 Planning - New fun category - Parents of the groom

I suspected we would be budgeting for this lovely and happy event within two years.  Now we know it will be this year that we will be celebrating our younger son's wedding.  No news yet on planning except that it will probably occur sometime this summer and on the other side of the country.  All I'm thinking about at this time is what the parents of the groom usually do - in addition to showing up, toasting the happy couple and wearing appropriate clothes of course!

When we married we handled the invitations, rings, judge, marriage license and honeymoon planning.  We wore new dressy but not formal clothes which we wore many times afterwards.  My in-laws home was the location and one of my husband's cousins catered.  So the parents of the groom provided the place, champagne and paid for the food at cost.  The parent's of the bride had to travel cross country so that was their contribution.  Not the typical responsibilities but then we were wanting a simple ceremony and party.

My research shows that traditionally the parents of the groom host the rehearsal dinner and contribute by doing whatever else the happy couple would like them to!

Not much help right now but I really don't care - this is not about the budget, its about celebrating their life and future together!

Action Items:

Help make this a great celebration of two wonderful people!


  1. Well, we were the parents of the bride last year, and it was quite expensive! I told my daughter we could contribute a certain amount. Her husband's family contributed the same amount. They also took care of the rehearsal dinner. I added in the dress and the cake. I think the trend is moving toward the wedding couple, and anything that a parent can contribute is "gravy".

    Either way, it sounds like it will be a wonderful event!! :)!

  2. I think it's great that you're even thinking about what your contribution could be.

  3. We had two kids get married this year. We gave them a budget that we could afford. We let them choose how they wanted to spend the money, but when it was gone it was gone. My son decided not to have a reception at our hometown. He got to keep the money we would have spent on the reception. We paid for the tuxes, the wedding luncheon (breakfast or dinner). The bride's parents were wonderful to work with and that makes a big difference.

  4. Congrats to your son, his soon to be bride, and to you too!

    I hope they decided on something simple, it's so much easier for everyone involved especially for the bride and groom - all that planning is so stressful! And of course simple is easier on the parents budgets too.

  5. Thank you all for the kind and helpful comments. The happy couple are quite considerate so I am sure the planning and budget will all go well. We'll start talking over our Thanksgiving weekend get together I'm sure. They are still enjoying telling people and feeling happy.


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