
Sunday, May 5, 2024

Managing our resources as we age - Part 1

While updating our home inventory I’ve been thinking about the broader picture of inventorying our daily life, home, yard, travel, etc. and all the different resources it takes to do that well at any age but especially during retirement. The impetus was contemplating how to wash our windows on the outside when they are quite high off the ground even on parts of the main floor as the house is built on a slope. (Anyone have a solution for the windows?)

Then I got thinking about the different types of resources that are ours to manage and maximize. 

On the personal side are our physical and mental health, diet, energy, strength, ability to learn and use knowledge, and thinking ability (especially problem solving, planning, and management skills).

Then there are the external resources we rely on such as money, utilities and public services, medical care, community resources, transportation, people, pets, perishable goods including food, housing, tools and other belongings, etc.

I decided to start by examining how we doing with our personal resources right now and what I can do to improve in those areas.

Our health: Right now neither of us has a significant health problem although we both take medications to manage minor chronic issues. We are good at taking them as directed. We also follow through on annual physicals and semi-annual dentist checkups. Vaccinations are current. I do need to make sure I have routine eye exams and dermatological checkups scheduled.

Our stress levels are back in what I would consider a normal range. We both need local friends, but we are doing more things just for fun and getting more satisfaction out of our daily lives. Time will make that even better.

Our diet is good for veggies and fruit and we mostly avoid red and processed meat. We both eat too many carbs and probably drink too much alcohol for our age. I have more fat in my diet than I should. I gained 7 pounds during the year after our move and, yes, I am a stress & boredom eater. I really need to lose that weight by changing the habits of the past year.

My To Do List: Get the routine eye exam and dermatologist appointments on my calendar. Try a massage for muscle tension. Reduce carbs and fat. Increase protein to help with hunger pangs leading to carbs and fat. Continue to reduce alcohol consumption. Reach out weekly to local acquaintances and family, distant friends and family. Weekly “date”.

Our energy: We are both finding our energy levels just aren’t what they were earlier in life. If I have a physically busy day my recovery time is longer than it used to be. I’m not sure that having lots of time doesn’t contribute to lack of energy but will think on that some more.

My To Do List: Limit time spent online scrolling although the current Trump trial isn’t helping with this as I can't look away! 🤪 Perhaps creat deadlines and/or a schedule for doing things I tend to postpone.

Our strength: I’m working on regaining my desired levels of strength and flexibility but it is slow going. Hubby is still strong. He walks and bicycles but is more cautious now so opts to let me know when he is going up a ladder, etc. in case he doesn’t come back inside in a reasonable amount of time. We both are trying to add weights back into our exercise routines. I do Pilates and flexibility exercises but need to increase the frequency of that.

My To Do List: Walk more frequently, longer distances, on hills, and faster plus be more consistent with my Pilates, flexibility and weights exercises.

Our learning ability, knowledge and memory: We both continue to seek out information and learning opportunities plus refer to instructions. That is how we are wired and we enjoy it. When we hire an expert we also ask questions so we understand what was done and how to identify and fix problems in the future. No significant memory problems yet. I am especially alert to that as my Mom for sure and probably my Dad had vascular dementia which is localized brain damage from mini-strokes. 

My To Do List: Pick something challenging/engrossing to learn.

Our thinking ability: Again so far so good. We both had careers where success was defined by our ability to do these things using our and colleagues professional knowledge. I enjoy using these capabilities so hope they last and that I can find an activity in my new location that uses them while being social as well.

My To Do List: Be on lookout for meaningful brain engaging activities with a social component. Think strategically about how to improve management of my time and our external resources.


  1. I know that as I age things seem to get a bit more difficult. There was a time I could sew for hours and now that just isn't happening as my back starts to pain me. Same with gardening, or standing/sitting for extended periods of time.

    God bless.

    1. I’m sorry that is happening to you. Have you been able to access appropriate treatment?

  2. All of your plans sound well well thought out and reasonable. I see aging as a constant time of change and making adjustments to everything from physical movement to diet and beyond seems manageable. I've been making To Do lists for my home and family for so long - I've been doing it for myself lately and reaping the benefits of putting me first!

    1. Putting yourself on the list is so important! I’ve always had to do lists but this move seems to have sapped my focus on actually doing the non urgent ones ! Trying to get my energy and discipline back.

  3. I can relate to watching trials and losing minutes and hours to that!! I watch trials on YouTube and can lose an afternoon in the blink of an eye. I try to limit my viewing to win I am doing something else like cleaning or ironing but I am not always successful.

    I have a planner or agenda that asks me to prioritize what I want to get done. I don't always do that but I will go back and highlight things that I have been skipping over intentionally, to remind me to quit ignoring them. And I am trying to make Wednesdays a day for myself. Today the broken garage door interfered with my ME time and all the inanimate objects in my house seemed to be very uncooperative but I did get to do a few things I wanted to do.

  4. I used to keep my To-Do list religiously, but got bad at it when I retired. I don't know how i let it slide...yes I do, I misplaced it (very particular about my list layout). I came across it within the past month or so, and I remember where it is, so I am getting off the computer and getting it right NOW! (Thank you. You always inspire action for me.) :)


March Reads - First half

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